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  1. N

    GreenX How to's... How to Water Cure (w/pics)

    Just found this when looking if there is any way to salvage a plant that had a couple of buds with mould on them. Plenty of people advised to throw the whole plant, and after researching water curing, it seems lots of lots of people have successfully used it to save bud that has / had mould...
  2. N

    Please help - is this mold?

    I just found this on this forum - as i oopsed and molded some bud i was curing.i just got rid of the mold with an old 1970's dawned on me others may not know this method ,so here ya go.once the weed is dried ,soak it in luke warm water for 10 minutes.then remove gently squeeze the...
  3. N

    Please help - is this mold?

    So, if one bud has some mould on it, you'd recommend treating the whole plant? Damn. I've chucked out any buds with signs of mould. They are for personal use so no-one else will be affected, so is it really that bad to smoke some bud that was part of the sane plabt of another bud that had some...
  4. N

    Please help - is this mold?

    My first grow was outside last year (this one has been in a grow tent) and I thought my plant was developing trics when it was just mold. That one never even made to flower so I chucked the lot where as this has produced massive buds so I really don't want to throw away any more than I have to...
  5. N

    Please help - is this mold?

    Thanks for the info AceYonder.
  6. N

    Please help - is this mold?

    Checked through and found a possible cause (aside from high RH). I'd had a few mold gnats in the tent during the growing of these, and found a dead body of one on a bud that was covered in mold. I'm guessing they carried / started the mold of. I've chucked another bud away as found a tiny amount...
  7. N

    Please help - is this mold?

    I have a 40x loupe, so will check again. Thanks for the tip.
  8. N

    Please help - is this mold?

    The RH in the box they are drying in at the moment is 55%. Apparently the air humidity outside today is 82%.
  9. N

    Please help - is this mold?

    OK. Those photos are all from one or two buds. I've checked the rest of the buds back to the stem and couldn't see any more brown patches or the fine webbing anywhere else. What can I do to stop any of the others going the same way? Is it best to keep the plants in a very warm room? At the...
  10. N

    Please help - is this mold?

    You think I should chuck both whole plants because I had one patch of mold on one bud of one plant?
  11. N

    Please help - is this mold?

    I've cut out and thrown away the bad sections. Can't see signs of mold anywhere else but will keep checking. It seems the Humidity in the UK is generally around 80% and above at this time of the year, so god knows how anyone dries out their crop without getting mold. So fking frustrating
  12. N

    Please help - is this mold?

    For any other noobs, checking this thread, my conclusion now is that it is aspergillus mold. I've cut out the offending areas and will keep an eye on the rest. Hopefully I won't see any more. Apparently it starts off as the brown stuff you can see in the pictures and then becomes the spidery...
  13. N

    Please help - is this mold?

    Investigated and it's definitely mold. It only seems to be in very small areas though so have cut them out and (cried whilst) throwing them away. Some people on forums seem to say make has with it, whilst others have said bin it. I'd be interested what people generally recommend on here (for...
  14. N

    Please help - is this mold?

    I saw some web on one plant before cutting so it could be spider mites. My main concern is the darker patches here. Is that mold or how tric look when they're dried out? If it is mold, can I just cut out the areas affected or lose the whole branch / colas affected?
  15. N

    Please help - is this mold?

    I cut my plants about a week ago and have been drying them in a cardboard box with airflow controlled by a fan. The issue is it's been raining constantly lately and the humidity is fking high. To combat this, I have a dehumidifyer in the box with them but I'm worried it's too late. These photos...
  16. N

    Harvest time? (with pictures)

    Thanks althor. I checked them again this morning and some of the buds still seem to be expanding out with new growth, so I'm going to leave them a few more days. It doesn't seem to make sense to cut them if they're still growing. Good to know though it's not an issue if I did cut them now.
  17. N

    Harvest time? (with pictures)

    Couple of questions 1st - What are the consequences of harvesting too early? I've read that it's a different sort of high, but others disagree and state it's just a degree of how much THC is present. 2nd - Is it best to harvest after the dark period and if so why? Does it have to be an...
  18. N

    Harvest time? (with pictures)

    OK. So is the only reliable method for telling harvest time through trichome colour? Or does that not apply to different strains. Thanks again for your help with this.
  19. N

    Harvest time? (with pictures)

    And here's how they look today. Definitely more amber trics now but I'd guess at less than 2% have turned amber, and still have quite a few white hairs. There seems to be a real mix of people on here saying that hair colour is not important in judging harvest time, particularly so, if the...
  20. N

    Harvest time? (with pictures)

    OK, thanks. They seem to be changing faster now so will give them a few more days.