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    Have a quick look

    I know il get some better ones put up shortly, having to use my iPhone as cant find my camera atm.

    Have a quick look

    Hey guys been a while since I last posted anything so I thought I'd put up a few pics if my girls got 5 barneys farm blue cheese and 4 BF's critical kush. Under 400 watt hps in a 1.2x1.2x2 tent been flowering now for 32days not including the two week stretch the bud are a little on the small...

    shit its been nearly two years since ive been able to get back on line but its good to be back

    shit its been nearly two years since ive been able to get back on line but its good to be back

    New growth is stunted, turning yellow/brown and appear to be dying.

    Hi had something very similar to this myself last week though not to sure if yours is caused by the same thing, I knew mine was because of poor light as I had to keep them in a room which received little light throughout the day while I was sorting out the room, since being under stronger light...

    week 7 out of 8 flower,is it worth leaching the soil?

    Personly I never flush before the chop tried both ways but feel it makes no difference if anything I've got bigger buds from not flushing, try it and form ur our opinion mate good luck tho

    Green Crack or C99 ?

    Go for c99 as that green crack is a load of shit, fcking nasty taste n harsh! Unless it was the way my pal grew it though all of his other crops have been really nice, buds that smash u up

    week 4 flowering with Pictures. advice?

    Just to let u know cheese is a 10week flowering strain and they put on most of the weight from week 7 through to week9 but defo worth the wait I liked to pull them at week 8/9 though I've pulled at week 7 high was different, nice don't get me wrong looking very nice good luck

    Hi i'm new and i need help

    Well I know for sure they don't fitt in normal sockets and do require a ballast mate

    Hey you!...Yeah you! What R U Thankful 4??

    I'm thankful for my beautiful son who was a mirical to survive my partners pregnecy and his gorgeous mum,

    Hello, Please help, rust spots, nut lock up, plants are starting to die!!!

    Hey S.o.M Well I've never needed to foliar feed even after I've adjusted the ph as the nutrients become available once the problem has even rectified but it wouldn't do them any harm I guess. And wow ur girls r that big!! What space and equipment have u got? I've had to make a grow room in the...

    Hello, Please help, rust spots, nut lock up, plants are starting to die!!!

    Hey again I don't use any formula as such, more the fact of how big the plants are and the size of the pots. I veg in 3liter pots and I had to use some for my Bigfoot the other day so I mixed up a litres worth, I'd say try an 8th of a teaspoon first but keep it on the small side to a litre cuz...

    Hello, Please help, rust spots, nut lock up, plants are starting to die!!!

    Yeah them pics ain't the best but it looks like its a ph problem I've grown cheese a few time n had ph problems I'd say to get some dolomite lime and only use a little at a time less is more, I mix into water and give a good amount until u get enough run off, within 12/24 hours u will c the...

    9 week strains

    Hey, Bigfoot from sweet seeds finishes in 49 days I'm doing them at the minute really fast growing plant in veg and flower

    Newest Leaves Twisting (Not Curling)

    I've had the same problem with my girls and found its because it's poor ventilation since they hav gone Into a bigger room with better vent the leaves that come through now are back to normal I think heat played apart in it too, tho it mite not be the case for u

    Temp control

    Thanks for ur replies guys forgot to mention that my attic hasn't been converted its an old build so I had to floor it and put up stud walls but my roof has lots of holes everywhere so there's loads of free moving air all the time. In the room the ceiling is fully insulated apart from the stud...

    Temp control

    Hey all I've got my grow room in my attic but as its coming up to winter n the temps drop a lot I'm struggling to find a good way of of keeping the temps right while the lights are off this is my first grow in winter n I'm worrying that my girls will die if anybody knows a way around this I'd...

    humidity problems and light questions for flowering

    Oh mate if there 5/5.5ft now they normally double in size once in flower so expect some monster plant by the end of it can u put some pics up to look at, as for the humidity u could use a bigger extractor fan n an oscillating fan to help with it. As for flowering time anything from 6/16 weeks...

    Vegetative stage problem

    I've done auto's once they stay in the veg stage for about 3/4weeks and then they switch over and grow fast enjoy and they will grow more now it's in bloom

    Mold? Deficiency? Nute burn?

    It looks like it might be a ph problem as my last grow had marking like urs thought it was a deficiency so added some feed with trace elements didn't help then realised to check my ph once I sorted my girls took off as for needing phos in yes they need it throughout their life cycle Not as much...

    Any info on this strain

    Hey guys sorry it's been so long been busy. So here's my question has anybody grown the strain from sweet seeds Bigfoot? The guy who I got these seeds from says there one Of the top strains out there. So if anyone has had a bash with this and got some friendly advice for me I'd greatly...