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  1. C

    looking for experienced cab grower to help with design

    im a new grower trying to build a new cabinet im looking for an expeirenced person for suggestons any help appreciated
  2. C

    HELP!!!!!!!! newb needs suggestions

    hey i have 8 ladies growing outdoors from bagseed. originally i had like 30 lost most to bugs and weather. then i attempted to lst them and lost more. when i unhooked them i lost some do to them not going back straight and falling over on themselves. i have since staked them up. however im...
  3. C

    HELP!!!!!!!! newb needs nute suggestions

    help ? anyone else i have 100 views on th thread and only one person had a suggestion come on folks seriously
  4. C

    HELP!!!!!!!! newb needs nute suggestions

    idk havent really looked around yet. quite frankly im not even sure what im looking for. i kno at this point in the year most growers are adding things to make there buds start or make them bigger(neither of which id mind) however im concerned for ther strutcure i want them to thicken up and...
  5. C

    HELP!!!!!!!! newb needs nute suggestions

    im a first time grower who needs nute suggestions. i have 8 outdoor bagseeds growing. (whats left of like 30 some odd seedlings) my plants are spindly and not doing too hot. ive lost quite a few too them bending and dying i have whats left of them staked up i only used composted horse poo so far...
  6. C

    early sexing ?

    hey im a first time newb doing a guerilla bagseed grow. i have around 18 plants sprouting little hairs by the nodes and the solistice is still supposed to a half week away how is this possible also i have 18 plants total all of them appear to be female how likley is that causei expected to have...
  7. C

    *** Basic Guerilla Guide*** to start you off

    the first three pics are plants that actually went out on monday they roughly doubled in size over the past week so i feel pretty good about them. i also added some composted horse manure to all the plants today hoping itll work well. the last pic is actually my main garden. believe it or not...
  8. C

    *** Basic Guerilla Guide*** to start you off

    hey all been awhle since i posted on this thread. do to a sudden change in my living situation i had to put my ladies out way earlier then i wanted. the first night they went out approximatley half of them were shredded to tiny bits by the rain. ive lost about another 5 to deer and rabbits. im...
  9. C

    are my ladies okay ?

    ok well heres a pick of the ladies there is quite a bit of light stalk showing but i dont kno how im gonna rebury 6 inches of sprout stem im my 4 inch dixie cup lol
  10. C

    cloning autos?

    unforunatley regular lemon haze doesnt really have the turn arund time im looking for. and im not actually looking to keep one continuos mother my plan was to keep them going in an endless cycle cloning my original 3 plants then b4 they flower cloning the clones and so on and so forth
  11. C

    are my ladies okay ?

    i have some sprouts that i planted into their medium (originally peat moss now miracle grow potting soil) about a week and a half ago. i have some decent sized sprouts but several of the longer ones are bendy and slightly retarded looking they are just starting there second set of fan leaves...
  12. C

    cloning autos?

    im a new grower currently in the setup stage still (mostly i do have some young ladies im preparing to put out doors later this year. ive finally come across a strain im really interested in (autofem lemon haze) and am thinking about using it the cab im setting up my only concern is cloning it...
  13. C

    degrees kelvin for cfls (2700k,6500k,5000k etc.) one quick question

    thats not a bad idea at all. out of curiosity do you have all those in a cab? and if so how do you have it wired up? i was looking at using 12 small watt bulbs in my cab but couldnt/cant figure out how to safely wire it in.
  14. C

    degrees kelvin for cfls (2700k,6500k,5000k etc.) one quick question

    ya i geuss that makes for since fine tuning the cfl spectrum would make the light easier to process and it could process all the light instead of just some tks folks help is appreciated
  15. C

    degrees kelvin for cfls (2700k,6500k,5000k etc.) one quick question

    hey im a newb settin up a cab for my own supply and im gonna be using cfls now everywhere ive read say to use a 2700k bulbs for flowering and 6500k bulbs for veg. however i discovered (well rather found out as im sure the growing community is well aware of this fact) that the sun is 5000k does...
  16. C

    how many cfls should i have in my cab ?

    i think those vanity bulbs are wat im gonna have to got with because any other way ive thought to set it up with enough bulbs is gonna be a serious fire hazard.
  17. C

    how many cfls should i have in my cab ?

    my only broblem with bigger bulbs is my cash situation is tight a few grows in bigger bulbs/cab and an overall better set up will be a priority but basically its lookin like in a 3x2 i need to be running about 500 watts worth of cfl does that sound right? less for vegging. im gonna be running...
  18. C

    how many cfls should i have in my cab ?

    hey im a first time grower and im setting up a stealth cfl cab the dimenisions are 22 inches high 22 inches deep and 37 inches long im gonna be using 23 watt cfls (100 watt equivelancy) and im gonna be lsting auutofem lemon haze (2 or three at a time) the only real question i have is how many of...
  19. C

    LSTing do all plants/strains respond well ?

    thanks every one for the input ive never really grown b4 but i started some sprouts to put outside this season and now that ive got a taste for it im doing as much research as i can and am currently putting a cfl cab together picking a strain etc but since im limited on space and am using cfls...
  20. C

    LSTing do all plants/strains respond well ?

    im just wondering if lsting is a good idea with all strains or if theres some that dont respond well? considering it for auto fem lemon haze.