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    Bird shit

    Thanks! Great advice! Ill have to learn more about lst.
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    Bird shit

    Unfortunately I failed out of my bird speaking class in high-school... so I'm not sure that will work... Good to know about the topping. I only planned on doing it that one time. Its just crazy tall and I felt like i needed to slow down its push. Now ive got another question. Why does it...
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    Bird shit

    Seems like the birds in my neighborhood like shitting on my plants. This obviously needs to be prevented. Anyone got any tips? Should I make a cover of some sort that lets light through? Think a fake owl or something like that might help? Any suggestions would be great. And while I have your...
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    Plant question regarding pot size

    So if I want to yeild at least 1 pound per plant, how big do my pots need to be?
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    Plant question regarding pot size

    I'd like to know the answer to this as well. I've got one right now in a 5 gal paint bucket that's about three feet tall and I'm wondering if I should transplant to a bigger pot already. Its only been living in it for a month!