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  1. K

    In need of some advice!

    Yeah this whole wallet idea got me interested. I seen some vids of LST and it def looks like a good idea if I go regular instead of auto. I'm sure all you good folk will be able to help me out too! That's why I love smokers man, friendliest people in the world, bar none. I didn't even start yet...
  2. K

    In need of some advice!

    Honestly man I spend so much money here on just hash I'm not even concerned. I guess the general consensus is that I should just give this seed a shot and see what happens. If I LST would I be able to grow 2 plants in 35" H x 27" W x 15.5" L? Would LST be too difficult for a first grow? I might...
  3. K

    In need of some advice!

    LMAO dude I dont even know what I'm saying man, it's 35 inches, 81 cm. So I got a lil bit less space then u in the height department. Yeah I figured I would try doing 2 or 3 plants at a time, which is possible with autos. If I used regular seeds I'd just have to do the 1 plant at a time then?
  4. K

    In need of some advice!

    My project is also gonna be CFL in a small space. Most likely a small cabinet (81 inches tall). From what I've read autos do well in small places and I would only need the one space as they remain on the same light cycle the whole time. If I used regular seeds I'd have to have 2 spaces no? Like...
  5. K

    In need of some advice!

    Thanks for the advice guys. Nirvana and Attitude were def on my short list from my own research, but it looks like Nirvana might have better packaging options and what not. Still hoping for someone to pop out and gimme one with a FedEx/DHL option!Wish I just brought some back with me last time i...
  6. K

    In need of some advice!

    I hope it's the safest part of the process! The rest I feel confident about, a lil discreet cabinet in my room should work out and I'm hoping that carbon filter works out well. I obviously won't be selling as this will be for personal use and most people around these parts won't even recognize...
  7. K

    In need of some advice!

    So you think I should give the seeds I already got a chance? I was really interested in trying some of these auto-flowering strains as I don't have much space and they seem like a perfect fit for my needs. I guess what I'm trying to ask is which vendor uses the best stealth methods and if...
  8. K

    In need of some advice!

    Posted the following in one of the sticky threads like a week ago and no replies!Hey guys! Just a n00b here tryin to get some info. I've done my homework and will be ready to get started real soon. I have some seeds already but I got no clue what the hell they are! I'm thinking of ordering some...
  9. K

    Marijuana Seeds

    Hey guys! Just a n00b here tryin to get some info. I've done my homework and will be ready to get started real soon. I have some seeds already but I got no clue what the hell they are! I'm thinking of ordering some just so I can start with something I'll be more comfortable with. My only dilemma...