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  1. R

    Argentina Decriminalizes Cannabis

    The Argentine National Anthem has these opening lines: Mortals, hear the sacred cry, "Freedom, freedom, freedom!" Hear the noise of broken chains, see the noble Equality enthroned. They could be singing about regaining their freedom from the UN, the USA, and it's propaganda machines, the...
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    Crime Without Consequence

    I saw this on the news. It's about Mexican marijuana smugglers going free if the have 500 lbs or less. Here's the article Crime Without Consequence - Drug runners go free - Phoenix news, breaking news, local news, weather radar, traffic from ABC15 News |
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    Crist, hypocrisy, article & opinion poll

    Miami Herald article on failed drug war. FL. Gov. Crist's hypocrisy. Opinion poll. 94% for decriminalization. Click on link below to read & vote. Crist wants to maintain drug penalties - 03/15/2008 - Other news. Florida congress wants to make growing 25 or more plants a...
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    News article, Cops for legalization

    This is a great news article. It just came out today. Activist Cops for Marijuana legalization. Here's the link. Frosty Wooldridge -- Marijuana Prohibition and Public Safety
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    Our Gestapo/SS storm troopers at work

    I hope this link will be allowed on this forum. It shows Miami Police shooting an unarmed woman in public & laughing about it. She was demonstrating against tyranny. :evil: YouTube - Miami Police Shot Protester, then laugh about it.
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    Miami Herald Article & Poll for Legalization

    The Miami Herald has a good article about Florida's draconian drug laws. They have a live poll on the same page. So far it's 94% for legalization of drugs. Florida is about to exceed federal guidelines by making it a mandatory 25yrs. prison sentence for 25 or more plants. This will only...
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    Question :p

    I'm from the panhandle & just joined. It's interesting that you're from Miami & the Miami Herald is having a live poll on their website to vote for legalizing Marijuana. Here's the link if you want to read their fantastic article & to vote on their poll. I just looked & it's 94% for...
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    Ne1 From Fl Panhandle?

    Hello FaTSack, I'm RIU. I'm from the panhandle. Just joined this community today. Have you been in Pensacola long? Man, it got it's **S kicked by the last hurricane. We barely got any damage. I live about 70 miles east of you. I've read that Escambia county is having a hard time financially...
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    Hello (Floating) World

    Hello Chrysolite, I just joined this community. I'm from Florida. I'm a watercolor painter. I love Ukiyo-e. I've made quite a few paintings. They look mostly like Hiroshige's works. But, I love many Japanese artists like Hasui. Nice meeting you. Good luck with your grow.:mrgreen:
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    Greetings From the Sunshine State (FL)

    Hi elgeneral. I'm from Florida too. Also, I just joined this community. Nice to meet you. I hope you're very careful. You probably read where the Florida state congress is going to far exceed federal drug enforcement guidlines. Their gonna make it something like a mandatory 25 yrs. sentence for...
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    Hello from the Sunshine state

    Hello to everyone. I'm from the sunshine state. :peace: