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  1. W

    Chinese Bagseed Grow and Light Test

    oh and for those thinking he's crazy for growing weed consider that ketamine is their drug of choice in china. They snort it like hoovers in the clubs over there so the peoples' attitude towards drugs isn't so bad despite their laws. You can get away with a lot with a small bribe ;).
  2. W

    Chinese Bagseed Grow and Light Test

    I smoked a lot of weed in china and it was pretty damn good :D.
  3. W

    Pics of the new girls

    Mate i just read the whole thread from start to finish. You are the master. Looking forward to hearing what the final tally is.
  4. W

    Check Out My Homemade Pc Grow! 13 days old!

    Not very practical. But i like it! Good job.
  5. W

    Need Advice. Over nute during flowering what to do

    I'd forgotten to add that the nutes i used were the generic type in the form of granules used in various types of gardening. I would imagine that the majority of the nutes would dissipate in the course of 1-2 weeks? Thank you for your help.
  6. W

    Need Advice. Over nute during flowering what to do

    Sorry about no pics i don't have a camera. Ok, my plants have been flowering for over a month now and i thought they were close to harvesting. Just recently the buds have been growing considerably in size and i've realised that i was wrong in my initial assessment and they still have a good 1-2...