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  1. C

    Cloning Trouble

    "I am open to all advice and criticisms. Just know that I WILL ALWAYS stick to DWC growing/cloning. It is the method i prefer best so when giving advice, please don't just tell me to switch to aeroponics or something. It's like telling a english major to switch to Egineering because engineers...
  2. C

    Cloning Trouble

    If you don't believe me then do a controlled experiment with a clipping: expose the bottom of the stem where the cut is to only air with humidity under 15%. Make a chamber that allows the plants to be in practically 100% humidity while the stem is in practically 0% humidity. See if the plants...
  3. C

    Cloning Trouble

    They are in hydration already because I am not a fan of rock wool, or any other medium like it. Some of the best simple set-ups i have seen for cloning put their clones with stems hanging above water and have bubbles that pop on the surface spray water on the stem of plant. Look up DWC cloning...
  4. C

    Cloning Trouble

    I believe I am having some trouble with clones. They are both Jillybean clones that are 4 days old. Their leaves are drooping, tips look "burnt" and I know it is suppose to take up to 3 weeks for a plant to grow roots but I have seen clones recover in under 48 hours and mine still are barely...
  5. C

    Jillybean or Jellybean Seeds

    Was completely wrong, looks back at my journal. They are bubblegum seeds. What i am not sure of are my clones: are those one jellybean or jellybean? (i know there is not such "strain" of jellybean but for some reason my city gets this so called strain a lot)
  6. C

    Eating dried buds

    You can not eat it just as is; the bud must be heated first to a minimum of 150 degrees in order for some go the psychoactive cannabinoids to be activated. To do this most people use a solvent for the bud to soak in at ~175 degrees F (butter, oil, milk) and then use the solvent to bake edible...