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  1. P

    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    Ok. Yeah, I thought both would probably work but I wanted to check before I pulled the trigger. "Need" was not the right word. I've bought things in the recent past just to find out it wasn't ideal and ended up replacing. 12-15 liters is quite a lot of water consumption considering the fact that...
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    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    Those are the best pics yet FM. Getting gooey! I have another question. When I asked you about reservoir sizes, you told me to go with at least a 20 gallon reservoir but isn't your reservoir only 13 gallons? I was just curious why the reservoir needs to be that big considering the fact that the...
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    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    The white 13 gallon pots are easy to find, if that's what you're looking for. Google "13 gallon EZ Stor container" and you'll find them. The dark ones like Current Culture uses are another story, unfortunately. Can't find em anywhere.
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    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    That might work. Are you going with 13 gallon buckets and a 15 gallon smart pot?
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    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, especially with the Pot Sox (assuming I can get them). I just figured I might use these buckets for DWC/RDWC at some point in the future so I wanted blue or black. I also have an incurable case of OCD when it comes to aesthetics. Things have to look neat...
  6. P

    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    Looks great FM! Does anybody know where I can find dark colored 13 Gallon buckets in the US? I just tried to order some 13 Gallon EZ Store Buckets from the only place I could find them (hydro helper) and the unhelpful person on the phone said they wouldn't ship them. Not even for $50 shipping? I...
  7. P

    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    When you say you "max out the root zone", what does that mean? Thanks.
  8. P

    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    Plant looking brilliant :shock:. I'm buying more supplies. Is a 10 gallon reservoir big enough? Thanks.
  9. P

    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    Yeah, I figured you'd want it burried. What kind of ring is that you use? I can't find anything like it. Thanks.
  10. P

    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    I was checking out one of your threads on another cannabis site and the picture you posted of your drip ring looks like it has about 6 descent sized valves that aim the liquid inward. The drip rings I'm running into don't have valves. The two I keep finding is the GH Waterfarm Drip Ring or Hydro...
  11. P

    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    Did you get the Jack Herer X Skunk strain from a seed bank, clone or did you cross them yourself? Thanks.
  12. P

    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    Ok. I guess I'll have to build something to elevate the pots. Thanks.
  13. P

    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    Checked my plant today & found tiny pollen sacks on the lower stems. GD! :wall:. Idk why it hermied. The plant was thriving & happy. The only stress it was under in it's life was high temps. Damn! It was almost 6 feet tall. What a waste. The strain came from a CaliConnection mixed pack. I've...
  14. P

    Apartment growing Idea I need opinions

    I did something similar. I had my girlfriend call the police and tell them I was burying bodies in my backyard. The police arrived and dug up my back yard but to no avail. "You see officer, those are actually just mannequins. Just a little hobby of mine. I believe an appology is in order..."...
  15. P

    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    I have a question that is related to how plants process nutrients. I remembered that you went to school for horticulture so I thought I'd take a shot. A while back I noticed by accident that if I deny or cut back on the plants food for a while, they sometimes thrive once I give them full...
  16. P

    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    Do you replace the pot sox after every grow or can they be reused? I ask because I have to have them sent from Australia so I'll order a bunch if they're one & done. Thanks.
  17. P

    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    Thanks for the response. At first, all I could find was actual socks for your feet with cannabis symbols on them :lol:. I changed the search up and found quite a few places that carry them. Apparently these Pot Socks are as Australian as Kangaroos because every single store that has them is in...
  18. P

    Best grow tent

    When I was deciding what tent to purchase, it came down to SJ and Gorilla. I went with an SJ DR150. It's nice but I regret not going with the Gorilla. I'm not quite comfortable enough to hang all my equiptment from the SJ. There is only one bar that goes from side to side in the middle of the...
  19. P

    FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

    I have a few questions about your system. The feed that just a drip hose? Does it just drip out slowly or is there more pressure causing spray? How can that wet the entire medium? I would think it would just drain down and wet only the perlite that's under the ring. Also, the timer you...