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  1. W

    Limp leaves :(

    Actually, we tried watering them more last night and today the top two rows of leaves definitely perked up a lot more - pretty sure they were just under-watered. If anyone can explain the random yellow leaf (there's two of them on the whole plant, both at the bottom, on opposite sides - no idea...
  2. W

    Limp leaves :(

    Yep, organic soil and organic food, figured it would be the least of the evils. Also no, we haven't checked the ph balance (i quite frankly dont even know how to do that) and we don't try and do any chemical-balancing.
  3. W

    Limp leaves :(

    No idea what strain the plant is; growing indoors in soil (just miracle-gro organic), watering with plain water every 4 days (about 1-1/2c of water) and occasionally water with miracle-gro plant food every few weeks in it. We just put the plant into flowering after 4-5 months, and it doesn't...
  4. W

    growing using the wick system?

    well, it's just for personal use and i'd rather have cheap&simple over quick&expensive/, from what ive looked at diagrams of this method, adding in a filter and a lot of wicks would speed it up considerably.
  5. W

    growing using the wick system?

    has anyone ever tried this? if so, what was your success on it? [sorry if there's some blatantly obvious thread/FAQ piece on this that i]
  6. W

    Does anyone else own the Vicarious DVD by TOOL?

    i dont own it, but i have everything else Tool's ever put out XD
  7. W

    Male vs female plants?

    thanks all <3 i'm basically pretty new to all of this, so im coming up with a lot of dumb questions.
  8. W

    Male vs female plants?

    okay, this is probably a really stupid newbie question, but ive read through the faq here and gone through a dozen other things and i cant find a straight answer; are female plants the only ones that can be harvested? meaning males are pretty much useless unless i were to want to pollinate a...
  9. W


    ahah yeah man, especially with that shit on during Lateralus and some of the slower songs off the new album.
  10. W

    Thinking of attempting small-scale indoor growing

    thanks all, and to the second poster, i did read the FAQ, but im a very visual learner so pages of complicated terms didnt help much xD
  11. W


    saw Tool earlier last year, front row center to it, while stoned out of my mind. with all the laser lights right in front of me and the alex grey art going on on the screens in the background, gotta say it was honestly one of the best experiences of my life. fuckin' otherworldly.
  12. W

    Thinking of attempting small-scale indoor growing

    hopefully this isnt just going to yield something that i missed in the FAQ, but still; i've been looking up ways of possibly growing indoors, and i have yet to find anything that would be easily adaptable to a small space and a small budget. i'm looking to probably use part of a closet that's...