Search results

  1. R

    very first try, no complaints

    Aside from your shrooms lookin like miniature dicks, youre setup looks great. Lmao. Best of look bro
  2. R

    candy flippin' dangers?

    Around here, candy flipping is MDMA x LSD sooo is that what youre refering to?
  3. R

    Buds for Less - CFL BOOK

    Not trying to be an asshole, but I totally got your book off of pirate bay. I didnt know the book was even being sold to be honest. BUT if your book is good enough to be on the pirate bay, thats saying something. VERY informative, and I love the whole daily pictures thing. Either way good job on...
  4. R

    Voidlings First Cab

    Henestly, the box looks a little small, hows your ventiliation going?
  5. R

    Mini grow. How she look??

    cfl's dont really produce that much of a hazard lol.. are you venting at all? couldnt really tell Looks fairly decent for your circumstances, good luck!