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    8 weeks into flowering and nothing is happening

    Okay thanks everybody I am heartbroken but ill just have to move on and grow myself some new women. Ill switch my tubes to daylight and maybe add some more light and let them sit for another month and see what happens. ill also take clones from some bottom branches and see if i can get them to...
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    8 weeks into flowering and nothing is happening

    About my lighting i have the two grow-lux bulbs and i dont know there lumens but my other 2 bulbs are 2000 lumens each so that's 4000 plus my hps bulb is about 16000 lumens so all together i have over 20000 lumens which i figured would be enough maybe my hps on the floor really screwed me. I did...
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    8 weeks into flowering and nothing is happening

    Ok maybe ill give it a little more time and see if there are any improvements and if nothing happens ill just cut them down. And my bulbs are T12
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    8 weeks into flowering and nothing is happening

    I didn't mean on the ceiling i meant hanging from the ceiling i have them within 3 inches of the tops of my plant if i add more light will that fix it? I have put a lot of time and money into these plants not to mention the risk of course if there is no hope for these then i would like the cut...
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    8 weeks into flowering and nothing is happening

    So what would you recommend i do?
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    8 weeks into flowering and nothing is happening

    Two of my florescent bulbs are grow-lux bulbs and two are 6500k bulbs. I kept the 6500k bulbs in because i was told that my hps light would be enough red light and leaving those bulbs in would give me a good spectrum of light. Coho when you say sativa dom you mean that they are mostly sativa and...
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    8 weeks into flowering and nothing is happening

    Ok so I am flowering my 3 plants that turned out female and I think something is wrong. Since they started to flower they have not made a lot of progress, I am on my 8th week and i still havent seen any real resin production my bud just looks like a bunch of white hairs still and i don't know...
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    Plants not flowering!

    Ok I'll just give them a few more days and hope they show. Up until 3 days ago i left the closet door open all the time just a crack but the lights turn on at 10 am and off at 10 pm so sometimes a little light leaked in. I didnt think it was a big deal until i read something that said a little...
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    Plants not flowering!

    Ok so this is my first grow and I have five plants in my closet right now (you can see my journal for my complete setup if you care) and they are on their 16th day of 12/12. 4 of my five plants are not (or at least i think they are not) showing any signs of flowering! My one plant that is...
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    1 month old plants

    Oh ok thanks I didnt know that ill leave them in for sure then
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    1 month old plants

    Thanks for the advice I already own the red bulbs ( I forget the exact temp) so its no problem to change the 6500k bulbs unless a little blue light is good during flowering? and even if a little blue light is good don't they get that from the glow-lux bulbs? They don't have a temp on them but...
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    1 month old plants

    Would anyone have a guess on how much these plants will smell when they are about ready to be harvested? I live in a pretty small apartment so if they are going to really be pungent I need to start planning smell control now.
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    1 month old plants

    Thank you! Would you recommend topping all four of my taller plants? I shouldn't top the little one right? And this might be a stupid question but when you say give them 4 to 5 days to recover do you just mean that that is probably how long it will take for them to repair themselves and start...
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    1 month old plants

    This is my first grow and I am wondering how I am doing? I have five plants they are all great white shark from seed. They are in a mix of Miracle Grow potting soil and Miracle Grow moister control (I know I know) in 12 inch pots. I started growing them under 2 4ft florescent bulbs 6500k and 2...