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  1. Juan5ernandez

    T5ho Lighting Questions, Please help.

    well I will be using the 2ftx4bulb for the mothers I have (they are currently outside:P will be re vegging them after they finish :P :D) I just want to fill the space with as much light as possible, but I dont know what is a better deal a 2footer or a 3 footer given that they are different watt...
  2. Juan5ernandez

    T5ho Lighting Questions, Please help.

    Thank you all for the replies, i appreciate the quick feed back. Let me just take a moment to clarify some of the information for some of you that I may not have done such a great job innitialy. The dimensions I listed are not flexible the box is already built so I have to choose between 2-3ft...
  3. Juan5ernandez

    T5ho Lighting Questions, Please help.

    Hello RIU peeps! So im thinking of building a veg room for a perpetual grow (room may be stretching it, its more like a box to keep cuttings for month until flowering, The space I will be utilizing is 39"L x 21"W x 34"h.), but I have some questions regarding lighting. Would I be better off...
  4. Juan5ernandez

    Indor to outdoor lighting (Time changes)

    Well I have decided there is no better teacher than experience so Imma go for it. Ill let ya know how it turns out. :D
  5. Juan5ernandez

    Indor to outdoor lighting (Time changes)

    Hello guys/gals, I have a question that I am hoping someone can help me with since Google yielded less than stellar results for what Im looking for. If any of the information you post in response is a guess or an assumption or anything not based on personal experience please clarify in your...
  6. Juan5ernandez

    Need to START!

    Yea, You can put your bitches in the woods.. They will be fin even in filtered light. That being said, do not expect to have a heavy harvest. They will stretch for the light also, so be prepared for that. Having said that, yes you can still put em in the woods and get some beautiful girls.
  7. Juan5ernandez

    Odd veg smell.. Help!

    I appreciate the feed back guys. The room mate doesnt know about my plants.. no one but you guys do, and thats because I dont trust anyone with secrets like that.. I dont wanna be robbed or w/e so i keep that stuff on the hush... As far as the smell.. The plants do put off a smell.. but I cant...
  8. Juan5ernandez

    Odd veg smell.. Help!

    Hey, guys/gals. I have started vegging 2 plants that I will be making mothers into and vegging for quite a long time with some t5HO's probably 3 or 4 months to get enough good quality cuttings off of. That being said.. I have a room mate complaining that the whole apartment smells like cat...
  9. Juan5ernandez

    Effects of High Veg Temps?

    right, well i imagine flowering in those temps would not be ideal, but if they are in 90-100 vegetative weather, but I get temps under control prior to taking them out of my veg room and moving them to a flowering room, will the plants still be affected or will they be able to recover to near...
  10. Juan5ernandez

    Effects of High Veg Temps?

    Hey guys. I am building a veg only room, and I like to build redundancy into my back up plans. You know, a fail safe to a fail safe :D so i have been researching and plugging away at this, however I noticed one question in the back of my mind that wastn being answered. If all hell breaks...
  11. Juan5ernandez

    Companion planting

    some one already did this :D
  12. Juan5ernandez

    Which should I grow? this is the link to my grow journal w/ pictures :D
  13. Juan5ernandez

    Cloning: do mothers pass along age?

    Holy GRAIL KUSH, man you guys took off on this forum lol. Any how I have been doing a bit more research into the idea of genetics drifting from the original plant. As it stands a clone of a plant is exactly identical to its mother, no matter how many generations removed it is from the original...
  14. Juan5ernandez

    Cloning: do mothers pass along age?

    ++ Rep, from the additional searching I have been doing the argument for generation drift is that some (albeit fewer than most) people have experienced a degradation in their plants potency and or vigor over the course of the cloning regime. However, the growers experiencing the degradation of...
  15. Juan5ernandez

    Cloning: do mothers pass along age?

    Ok, so based on what you guys are saying, is that "we" (the members in this forum) believe in what several other threads on "googl" are calling "Genetic Drift" or a decline in potency correct? If this is true, does this mean that so long as I keep the orginial seedling as a mother, I can take...
  16. Juan5ernandez

    Cloning: do mothers pass along age?

    Hey guys, This will be the first year I try and take cuttings. I have been doing a lot of "googling" and I haven't found any answers to my questions so I am hoping you guys can answer it for me. 1.) If I grow a plant from seed, will the age of said plant, once cloned pass along its age to the...
  17. Juan5ernandez

    Soil Fertility Testing

    honestly, If you want a good soil right out of the bag... fox farms ocean forest, is probably the best thing you can get. I like to take FFOF and mix it with happy seed and thats all I do. Seedlings seem to love it, and they tend to veg well in the mix until they get too big and need a Xfer to...
  18. Juan5ernandez

    Soil Fertility Testing

    If you need a specific vegi, tell them you are planing to start growing a bunch of tomatoes... research a few, and then name em off to whoever is asking. Tomatoes and Cannabis are very similar, and are of the same family tree.
  19. Juan5ernandez

    Which should I grow?

    Update. I have 1 fem crit jack and two reg Lambo about a week old (sprouted on the 6th), and I have decided to place all the GDP seeds i have in the pot and just pick the best genetics. The first three got too dry and two died.. one I believe is going to be stunted :( o well.. may the best newer...
  20. Juan5ernandez

    Which should I grow?

    Ok so here is what I have decided to do with my upcoming guerrilla grow. I have already cracked and sprouted 1 crit jack (Fem) 2 Lambo (Reg) and as of 10 minutes ago I have started soaking 3 Kens GDP (Reg) so long as i can get 1 female from these babies ill be happy (horray for clones :D)