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  1. J

    Situation seems to worsen

    Thanks! By the way, maybe you can shortly explain why? Root issue is widely explained all around, but not nutes and all related variables concerning foliar feeding.
  2. J

    Situation seems to worsen

    Thanks. Well, grow is quite stunted. Even my first grow was more taller and bushier. On water Ph.6. I don`t know. If my soil is really something like at least 7.3,and i water with ph 6.0, that could really stress root system. I mean difference,gap, could bee to big.
  3. J

    Situation seems to worsen

    Soil is unbranded Eastern European one for seedling phase (tomatoes etc.) NPK 11-8-20, and N-P2O5-K20: 11-19-24. On soil bag is stated that PH is something like 6-7, but I took runoff measurements. Watered with bottled water PH 6,4-6,5. Runoff was around PH 7. I have read about two different...
  4. J

    Situation seems to worsen

    Well, as the title says. Girls (SnowRyder and AutoAssasin) started to flower and are in day 21. So full 3 weeks. Soil is too alkaline and probably to hot: 11-8-20 There is a Mg def, which I try to correct by foliar feeding girls Epsom salts. Looks like some Cal def as well or just worsening...
  5. J

    Small led distance to plant

    Well, I consider 10W as a small one.
  6. J

    Small led distance to plant

    Even for small ones? I thought that was for bigger ones.
  7. J

    Small led distance to plant

    I grow with CFL, but have one small LED for plants. Like this . Some 10W. What was the safe distance to avoid possible bleaching? I have read about it, but have unfortunately forgotten, and most of topics and articles cover big lead panels issues. Would like to use to light from side
  8. J

    Early stage problem/possible Ph fluctuation

    Hello, guys! I think I have a minor problem, at least I hope so, but would like to know for sure what have happened and how to sole the issue. I will try to be brief, so here it goes: At the 7th day of grow I decided to give my 4 plants ( 2 Shortstuff Snowryders, 1 Shortsuff #1, and 1 Auto...
  9. J

    Moldy bud vs healthy one (pics)

    Some time ago, when I was concerned with possible mold problem, I looked for comparison images on the web, and didn`t find a lot of side by side comparison images. So, I did by myself, and the pics are here if someone is interested.
  10. J

    Wierd looking stem

    Hmmmm, if this is the case, and there were first signs of mold, do redrying eliminates all signs of mold or only stops process? I mean, now when I have been keeping yars opened for a longer time, smell is getting "normal", but does it mean buds are safe to smoke when I`m done or there is a...
  11. J

    Wierd looking stem

    what kinda of smell is ammonia?
  12. J

    Wierd looking stem

    I`m curing very small amount in airtight jars, open them twice a day for couple of minutes, and shake buds around. Darkness ir 24/7. Hard to say anything about humidity, but before jars, when buds were in cupboard with fans, humidity was around 30%.
  13. J

    Wierd looking stem

    Whats is the best way to determine, is it early form mold or not? Googled, and based on that did examine my stuff, but for me as beginner i`st quite hard to get valid results. Smoked a little bit of that stuff yesterday, tasted quite bad.
  14. J

    Wierd looking stem

    Hello! Five days after curing i noticed slightly fish smell (haven`t trimmed small leaves very accurately and haven`t flushed) and something that looks "like mold" on stems, but not quite sure, only my second grow. Sometimes stems look a bit white as well. And here are pics (high res)
  15. J

    Storing frozen milk/butter

    Hello! I have been boiling plants in fatty milk to get out thc from them (sometimes don`t have enough place for all the girls, because I plant with consideration that some may die or turn out to be males). Is it possible to keep milk in freezer - how temperatures below zero influence thc?
  16. J

    Treating MG deficency in young plants. Foliar vs soil feed

    Do you mean on top of soil or disolve in water?
  17. J

    Treating MG deficency in young plants. Foliar vs soil feed

    True, runoff was problem at the beginning due to to tight pack soil. Just replanted in air pots and added more perlite. Any other suggestions?
  18. J

    Treating MG deficency in young plants. Foliar vs soil feed

    Hello! Looks like my three weeks young girls have some medium MG deficiency. Grown in soil 6.4-6.9, watering with ph balanced water, started to gradually introduce nutrients couple of days ago. T. -25-28 C (a bit to hot, but have grown this strain before, was ok). Going to transplant them in...
  19. J

    Different Kelvins produce different temperatures?

    Hei! I have noticed that my 125W 6500 K CFL gives me more 2-4 t Celsius than 125W 2600 does. Is there any explanation, maybe it is due different minor technical solution in bulb?
  20. J

    First symptoms of nut lockup or?

    Nope, I`m nut using nutes. So, that`s not the case.