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  1. Juice box hero

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    my plants are about 3 weeks into flower and they are yellowing. ive come to the conclusion that they are sucking up more nitrogen than is available. i plan to give a small dose of vegging nutrients. i have them in 1 gal containers and they take like 4 + days to dry right now. i just gave them a...
  2. Juice box hero

    1st grow. We'll see what happens.

    around 10 maybe 11 wks. i dont remember exactly
  3. Juice box hero

    1st grow. We'll see what happens.

    its been a minute but heres some pictures. i thought i took some when they were dry but i guess i didnt. next time
  4. Juice box hero

    1st grow. We'll see what happens.

    its day 38. they are doing good. a little yellowing but im not sure if thats just what to expect. its mostly on the lower leaves closest to the screen. the tops are thriving. i think it might be a bit thick tho. heres where im at so far. a group shot and some randoms.
  5. Juice box hero

    1st grow. We'll see what happens.

    the strain is Martian Kush from DNA. right now they are about 34 days in flower.
  6. Juice box hero


    i tip based on service. shitty service, shitty tip. although personality goes a ways too. 0-20% when it comes to drinks (@ a bar, etc) i tip more often and more than i would somewhere else. i like to keep my waitress, waiter, bartender happy because they keep me happy. theyll usually serve me...
  7. Juice box hero

    960 watts LED, Apollo13, Medicine Man, OG Kush, White Russian, G13xHashplant, 3 more

    thanks. i didnt think to loosen the top a bit. ive just been watering it very slow. sometimes water still comes out of random holes tho. i guess it just happens.
  8. Juice box hero

    960 watts LED, Apollo13, Medicine Man, OG Kush, White Russian, G13xHashplant, 3 more

    I am using air pots as well and to me it is somewhat of a pain to water. i end up with a mess sometimes. do you have any tips for watering?
  9. Juice box hero

    Ch 9 Jack freebee

    nice. i had a freebee jack as well but i didnt get to try it out due to my negligence while germing. i'd like to see what it could've been.