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  1. J

    Clones dead or alive??

    thanks. I gave them a decent water, threw the dome back on. see what happens. thanks again for your time
  2. J

    Clones dead or alive??

    lovely. thanks guys. I didn't soak the cubes because they were moist coming out of the package, thought was was plenty to get them started
  3. J

    Clones dead or alive??

    damn. my buddy told me to take it off....ill throw it back on cant hurt at this point
  4. J

    Clones dead or alive??

    I left a couple little fan leaves on and halved them. The temp is 76-80. humidity at 60% in room. I took off the dome because it raised the temp to around 82-84
  5. J

    Clones dead or alive??

    cool. yeah their still pretty green. not sure whats causing the droop
  6. J

    Clones dead or alive??

    Sorry I posted a similar post yesterday but I just want to know if these can come back or Im wasting my time? I cut these 48 hours ago. Cut dipped into Clonex and placed in riot root cubes. I had the dome on for the first day but was told to take it off until the cuts perked up. I have a 2 bulb...
  7. J

    limp clones!

    not sure what happened. I followed every step to the T can made sure conditions were ideal
  8. J

    limp clones!

    yeah my veg room is about 60% hum with temps are 75. the clones are in the corner with the t5 over top. I was thinking they were getting to humid because the leaves were damp
  9. J

    limp clones!

    sounds good ill lower it down. thanks again I really appreciate it
  10. J

    limp clones!

    what about lighting. I have them under a t5. how high should the light be away?
  11. J

    limp clones!

    the hydro store guy said I wouldn't need one since my room stays about 75 degrees. he said the dome would raise temps enough. Its 80 degrees inside dome right now
  12. J

    limp clones!

    ok thanks. ill leave the dome on. ive been misting the inside of the dome twice daily. like I said this is my first time so I don't know what they are supposed to look like. they are COMPLETELY limp. haha. you think they still have chance after seeing my pic? I hope your right brother
  13. J

    limp clones!

    first time cloner. I cut my 12 bubblegum clones yesterday. cut on 45 degree, dipped into clonex, placed into moist riot root cubes, then placed into tray with humidity doom. they are in the corner of my veg room under a 2 bulb t5, about 3.5 feet away the temp inside the doom is 80 degrees/ 60%...
  14. J

    Dark period before harvest question

    thanks bud have a good one
  15. J

    Dark period before harvest question

    how long could i safely leave them in dark with constant temps and humidity?? I was hoping for max days
  16. J

    Dark period before harvest question

    wtf!!!!!!!!!! saw 23 replies got excited......hahahahha whats the problem here MEN??
  17. J

    Dark period before harvest question

    Im planning on putting the girls to sleep this. I was planning one more light water then lights out. Ive heard varied stories about extended dark periods?? I was planning to go dark mid to late week. Actually Im going out of town for the weekend so wanted some advice/opinions on dark periods...
  18. J

    I got 6oz off 1 plant!

    dont have any pics of my grow it was months ago. i used 4 1000W hps on 4 plants in 25 gallon pots. i used ocean forest/pro mix soil (70% oc & 30% pm) i didnt even use grow nutes for the 2.5 month veg i used light an bloom nutes during flower (iguana juice, bud candy & hammerhead) the plants...
  19. J

    I got 6oz off 1 plant!

    i grew blueberry indoors in 25 gallons pots and nearly got a pound a plant
  20. J

    Blueberry/trainwreck strain flowering time?

    ok senor ganja...thanks for reply i attached several