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  1. B

    Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

    I have to agree with ub that the fan leaves are important to keep on your plant. I used to take off the fanleaves, thinking that the bud sites need light to grow. They really don't. In fact I found that leaving them on actually created fuller buds. Now having said that, I grow LA confidential...
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    Darkness before harvest??

    Hey MGG I keep mine in the dark for two to three days before harvest. I have noticed a difference in 'sugar' on the buds this way. The reason I do it is because I understand that the plant actually starts the curing process early by initiating the breakdown in chlorophyll, due to lack of...
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    affect my yield?

    Have you final flushed your plants lately or cut off N to your girls. To me it looks like your plants are using up the stored food in the leaves and dropping. If that's what happening I wouldn't worry about it too much, or add a ripening nute to finish that has a little nitrogen in it. Hope that...
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    When I transplant my 16 oz hempys into bigger pots, I cut the bottom off the cup with a sharp blade then transplant it right into my upsized pot, cup and all, with no stress whatsoever. I've never gone from hempy cups to soil, but I can't see a problem,except maybe a little adjustment period...
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    Thread to share hempy photos

    Nice bucket-of-buds you have there matchbox. I'd never thought of soil hempys,might be worth experimenting. Always looking to try new things. I use 4 parts perlite 1 part vermiculite. Keeps it nice and airy and good wicking effect
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    set up need help

    Usually you would use mh. lamps for veg. They do run hotter though. I came across this by accident. I added the hps lamp to the t5 lamps because I had it sitting around and I couldn't believe the difference. The hps penetrates the plants better than cfls and the plants seems to like the...
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    set up need help

    I go with a 150 watt hps and 3 t5 @ 6500k hi output fluorescent for veg. In a 3' x 2' area. In your flowering room you could go with 400 or 600 watt hps depending on temperature.
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    set up need help

    Alot depends on the size of your grow area. Do you have a separate veg and flower area? What is the height of your room? What kind of air flow and ventilation do you have? Answer these questions and we will have a better idea of your needs.
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    Thread to share hempy photos

    I've never tried dwc before but I've heard it's an easy way to grow. To me, hempys are as easy as soil, but produce hydro Yields. I put on a dust mask and wet the perlite down first when potting. Other than that it's a pretty clean system. As far as transplanting, I like to cut the bottom of the...
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    Expert Advice ONLY please, I don't want to be misled. Sorry.

    One thing about miracle grow is that it would is alright to start with, but you'll have to supplement your soil later on in the grow or you'll start to see some nute deficiencies
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    Thread to share hempy photos

    Just thought I'd share a few pix of my small setup and how I grow using hempybuckets. I like to start my clones in jiffy pellets under a dome until roots show then put them right into 16 oz hempy cups. Water and b52 only for a week until they start to take off. They seem to suffer minimal...
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    hps in a closet, first grow

    You might get lucky. What happens when you interrupt the light cycle during flowering (usually a couple nights in a row) is the plant gets confused and reverts back to the vegative stage for a while. Don't worry it will come back around, just take longer to finish.
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    Thread to share hempy photos

    Thanks Stoneslacker. The two in the smaller pots are going to the flowering room in a couple days in their smaller pots. I'm experimenting to see how they respond, since the root system in hempys are amazing. I'm hoping I can get away with smaller pots without affecting my results too much. I...
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    Thread to share hempy photos

    Here are a couple in veg. The one on the right is Ice cream that I just lst'd. The others are La confidentials.
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    What would u consider the best medium to grow in

    Hempy buckets with 4 parts perlite 1 part vermiculite work great for me. The root system is incredible and white as snow right up to harvest.
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    Thread to share hempy photos

    Amazing buds. I agree that the hempy buckets are the way to grow. I started in soil but tried the hempy and haven't looked back. Haven't any photos to share of the hempy set up, but I could get some soon as I'm getting close to next harvest
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    Hempy Grow need help

    I use nothing but 3 gal. hempy buckets now and love the results. I find that low stress training works well to keep a short bush. I veg for two weeks. The plant finishes around 18 inches tall and just a bush of bud.hope that helps
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    Would like advice on raising my ice cream strain

    Thanks for your advice. I agree you can get some nice bush out of tying down. With the la confidential the breeders said it didn't top well. I'm looking forward to trying topping and lst to see how it works for me. Height limits are the reason I can't just let it go.
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    Would like advice on raising my ice cream strain

    No worries bud. You had me. I was thinking, fuck I never heard of that. Something else to worry about. Lol
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    should i remove fan leaves during final flush?

    I've found that the lower buds that are blocked by fan leaves don't finish as well. When I trim some leaves later in flower the green lower buds really respond and bulk up and turn a nice finished colour like the tops