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  1. KronicBudxSMKRx

    STRETCHING BAD...need help

    I realize that I should have done more early on...that's why i said earlier there's a long story as to why I let it stretch so bad... Coho...No i haven't had the light on top the whole time. I kept raising it as the plant grew. CaptainCAVEMAN...I went with your idea and it seems to be working...
  2. KronicBudxSMKRx

    STRETCHING BAD...need help

    ok so its a long story on why i let this girl stretch so much, but i need some advice on what to do. You can see I tied it down, but its still stretching. I'm 3 weeks and 3 days into flower. The picture where you can see my thumb, from there up will bend on the glass of the light if I don't tie...
  3. KronicBudxSMKRx

    plant looks

    +1^^ good advice
  4. KronicBudxSMKRx

    plant looks

    the soil is good , i just watered them yesterday and ive been easy on the nutes but ill try less next time. its been a month since transplant tho, and it wasn't that touchy of a process because i dropped seeds in rock wool and when they sprouted i put them in their grow medium (coco husk). they...
  5. KronicBudxSMKRx

    Name this deficiency...... just over 3 weeks old CAL MAG??

    Thanks bro. :joint: Whether people think they need this or not trust me...right WILL save you a lot of head aches later on down the road.
  6. KronicBudxSMKRx

    plant looks

    It's not heat stress. The hottest its ever gotten in there was 79F, but it stays around 75F. Plus, i have 3 others that are loving life. I water once every three to four days. i stick my finger in the soil about an inch down to see if its dry or not. Im using coco husk and flora series nutes. i...
  7. KronicBudxSMKRx

    plant looks

    Ok everybody so my plant started looking sick, so naturally i started trying to take better care of her. I tried everything i know of to help and she still looks like this, so i came to ask the more experienced...any advice??
  8. KronicBudxSMKRx

    Need advice on lighting. Any help would be appreciated.

    wait wait does the Growzilla need two ballasts or just one? That's exactly what I was looking at getting, lol.
  9. KronicBudxSMKRx

    Need advice on lighting. Any help would be appreciated.

    budleydoright: I already have the 400 watt MH for veg and 400watt HPS to flower. I was just trying to think of ways to give the veg a little of the red and the flower a little of the blue spectrum. nuglets: I'm a noob in the CFL side of lighting since I've never used it before. What type of...
  10. KronicBudxSMKRx

    Need advice on lighting. Any help would be appreciated.

    ahhh so it would need two ballasts. Thanks for the input.
  11. KronicBudxSMKRx

    Need advice on lighting. Any help would be appreciated.

    Hey everybody, so I had an idea and i wanted to come here to see what you all thought. I have a 4ft x 4ft grow tent with a 6in and a 4in an/filter combo, and wanted to get a 600 watt ballast and dual socket cool tube with a 400MH/200HPS bulb to veg and a 400HPS/200MH bulb to flower. Assuming...
  12. KronicBudxSMKRx

    Need advice on plz

    hey everyone, so I'll get straight to the point. I want more out of my grow...i mean my plants produce a nice yield but i from what I've read and what I've heard from my "consultant" is that a MH and HPS bulb through both stages would help me out A LOT. I'm here to ask would a conversion work...
  13. KronicBudxSMKRx

    Bump If You're Baked!

    BONG RIP!!!bongsmilie but ummm had to throw that pic in there lol cheers :bigjoint:
  14. KronicBudxSMKRx

    Are my lights good enough to get my plants through the vegetative state?

    Oh yea, there is a book out there called "Growing Elite Marijuana". Whether you want to buy it or download it for free off the net, if you get it, break everything down...and i mean EVERYTHING!! It says that you can grow 7 plants or less under a 400watt light. I can't argue with matthebrute a...
  15. KronicBudxSMKRx

    Are my lights good enough to get my plants through the vegetative state?

    oh yea, i knew the weren't ready to flower by the looks of them. I just meant the way my set up is, my plants like to veg under a 400w so the stem and stalks grow sturdy and stronger to hold more weight. In case you decide to go down that road, my light cost me $150 for everything and worth it...
  16. KronicBudxSMKRx

    Are my lights good enough to get my plants through the vegetative state?

    i can dig it, i just like the bigger light cuz its easier for me to get bigger buds
  17. KronicBudxSMKRx

    Are my lights good enough to get my plants through the vegetative state?

    I would get a 400watt ballast, a cool tube, and use a 400watt metal halide bulb while it veg's and then us a 400watt high pressure sodium bulb to flower. That's actually what i do in my 4x4 grow area and the temp isn't to bad as long as i keep a good amount of air flowing through. The highest my...
  18. KronicBudxSMKRx

    NEED HELP!!! RDWC Grow... problems with seedlings!

    Ok its good that there are roots shooting out of the bottom. However if your roots are reddish-brown it could mean either A. its nutrients causing some discoloration or B. its the beginning of root rot. Check the roots again and if they seem kind of slimy and since its above 80 degrees then I'd...
  19. KronicBudxSMKRx

    Are my lights good enough to get my plants through the vegetative state?

    mikmike is right..a good rule of thumb is 100 watts for every plant. although if you get a 400w light mh/hps light your plants will love you for it. if you stick to cfl's your plants wont grow to their full potential. I mean it will grow no matter most of the time but how well you grow it...