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  1. liverbird

    Unsure Flowering Question

    sweet dude, glad to offer my tuppence! happy growing nemmba :bigjoint:
  2. liverbird

    Unsure Flowering Question

    hi Nemmba, defo buds forming there dude.....nice:bigjoint:. looks like a wee bit nute burn tho, i'd prob cut back with nute strength for a week or so pal:lol:
  3. liverbird

    Welcome New Members!

    thanks dude, that pic is 6 days ago. just figured out how to post pix so hope to update all the way through :leaf:
  4. liverbird

    Welcome New Members!

    hey all, a noobie here. first attempt at seed, white russian day 8 of flowering. can't wait for harvest time already!
  5. liverbird

    'Droopy Leaves' - Normal?

    hey nappynate, this might sound silly but is your tank transparent or have you blacked it out completely?
  6. liverbird

    olympic 2012 budget quadruples.

    strange aint it?...parliament building in holyrood estimate was £40m, ended up costing over £400m to build.
  7. liverbird

    1st Time Auto Flower

    much obliged, hope to have pleasing updates on her in future:-P
  8. liverbird

    1st Time Auto Flower

    hey guys, attempting 1st auto flower strain and was wondering if pk schedule is same as it would be for 12/12 strains? :?
  9. liverbird

    Question about smaller wattage HPS

    hey guys, lookin for advice with my 1st attempt at auto flower. is pk schedule same as it would be for a 12/12 system?
  10. liverbird

    'Droopy Leaves' - Normal?

    yeah roots do look fine to me.
  11. liverbird

    'Droopy Leaves' - Normal?

    also check that only roots are in the water, none of rockwool should be submerged. this can cause similar looking symptoms, good luck...i went back to soil after succuming to similar problems
  12. liverbird

    'Droopy Leaves' - Normal?

    totally agree with massah on this, temp of nutes tank being too high can cause browning of roots causing pithium presence in water which attacks plant in way displayed in your pics