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  1. Z

    Electric Companies Ratting you out to NARCS?

    Haha interesting and helpful responses.
  2. Z

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi everybody, my name is Jacob. 35 years of age. Glad to know there are a lot of others out there who share my passion. I have posted a thread that has been bothering me for sometime now under indoor growing. Title of the post being electric companies ratting you out to narcs. Anyway, any...
  3. Z

    Electric Companies Ratting you out to NARCS?

    Hey guys, So I am a new user to this forum, have been following for a bit now, but I have a growing concern that I had recently heard about and wanna see if you guys have any knowledge about it. SO apparently I heard that when growing indoors, and having your plant lights on a timer, the...