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  1. J

    Dried Leaf THC Content

    You Take a pound of butter quarters and a ounce of your finest herb. Melt the butter down in a medium sauce pan and add a cup of water. then add your bud ground down to a fine fine fine powder and let simmer on medium heat for about thirty min dont let it get to hot or you will kill the thc...
  2. J

    Which way do you plant the seed???

    With the Tail up if you put it down it can cause the plant to grow upside down killing it.
  3. J

    First Grow (Single plant?)

    Most plants if taken care of properly should have a yield of 110 grams
  4. J

    Legalize it, It will some day save our very way of life.

    Not really that's just what most people and most of them being dealers want us to think when really if it is government regulated from only one grow source we could drive up the price and deal with other countries who have legalized it and increase our economy in a matter of months and dig...
  5. J

    Legalize it, It will some day save our very way of life.

    Marijuana had little to do with my statements and yes its a little bit out there and im not attacking trees and lumber mills I just used that because it seemed easiest. I know Very well the difference between Hemp and Cannabis sativa they are the same but hemp has little to no thc. but thank you...
  6. J

    Legalize it, It will some day save our very way of life.

    Ladies and gentlemen our economy is failing soon the adds you see on television to help a starving child will ask money for american's. Every day people die because they did not have enough to eat and no I'm not talking about those poor starving children in Africa I'm referring to the old...