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  1. M

    Flowering has been stalled :(

    The plant will only be as strong as its weakest link...with that said, the light is the weak link in the chain...if that is not corrected the grow will be dismal at best and a waste of money and effort.
  2. M

    Do leaves usually droop almost instantly after watering?

    I've seen this happen with different strains...also when watering with water that is a little on the cold side will cause a plant to droop.
  3. M

    Plants Won't Go Back Into Veg

    maybe try a 24/0 cycle to see if they will get back on track... whats the strain?
  4. M

    Howdy all

    whats going of Professor? hows Mary Ann and Ginger?
  5. M

    Himilaya Gold HELP URGENTLY!!

    pics would really help...but I really have to agree with phate, less is more when dealing with the little ones.
  6. M

    OK this has been debated a million times I know..but what is the main word now?

    there are a lot of methods out there...really its whats best for the individual Cali Golden Kush does not like the short cycle of 16/8...but I can get away with it, with my purple dragon.
  7. M

    When To Turn Lights On for Seedlings

    as soon as mine break ground they go under a 600w hps...
  8. M

    Please help if you can!

    you can pretty much top a plant at any time...I top my seedlings at the 5th node.
  9. M

    I have a question about roots...

    its strain dependent...I have one strain that will fill a 3gal pot from a 1gal pot at the flip of flower, however I have one that pretty much stops root production at the on set of flower.
  10. M

    Please help if you can!

    Top the plant so it can start to branch out...this will allow you to take cuts much quicker...
  11. M

    Howdy all

    Thanks guys, sounds like I'll fit right
  12. M

    Howdy all

    Hey all, Max Stone here...was cruising the net looking for canna forums and stumbled in through the hemp doors...y'all got some cool diggs in here. anyways y'all take care and we'll see ya on the boards. Peace:peace: Max