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  1. M

    Best Soil?

    hi there mate was just reading your post and think maybe you can help .. just switched from hydroponics to plagron all mix and have never grown in soil b4 .. what id like to no is can i use house and garden 1 component.. roots excelurater .. and multi enzym with plagron all mix? also could you...
  2. M

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi im new to growing and could really do with some help ive been left by a friend a big ass grow and i have not got a clue what im doing really i need to tell u guys the down low of the plants but was wondering about safety on here can any one let me no if its ok to chat cheers
  3. M

    First Grow

    whats up every one just thought id holla and introduce myself this is my first time growing and so far not done to bad but obviously i dont no the half of it and need some advise im just into week 2 of flowering but things are looking tight in the tent ill post a couple of pics so you guys can...