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  1. S

    Timer failed to switch lights off - advice needed

    Lol you know it :D
  2. S

    Timer failed to switch lights off - advice needed

    So you guys think I should turn them back on at 10pm as usual? They will have had only 7.5 hours off.
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    Timer failed to switch lights off - advice needed

    My plants have been on 12/12 for 3 weeks, I've got them coming on at 10pm and off at 10am. Anyway came home today at 2.30pm to find the light still on. Timer had failed. Switched them off straight away and they've been off for 5 hours. Question is what do I do now? Should I leave them off for...
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    Raided 2 days ago!

    A different system in the UK. The police are responsible for investigating crimes, collecting evidence and arresting or detaining suspected offenders. Once a suspect is held, in minor cases the police will decide whether take no further action, issue a caution or a fixed penalty notice (a fine)...
  5. S

    Yes, another "how are my plants doing?" thread...

    Oh I see it now. Kinda like the man in the moon, you have to know what you're looking for before you see it! Wait a minute though -- pale face, no nose, dark glasses -- could it be the ghost of Michael Jackson come to have a peek at my young 'uns??? Well I got some bad news Mike, ain't no males...
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    Yes, another "how are my plants doing?" thread...

    Naaaaaah not really, maybe I'm lookin in the wrong place :D
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    Yes, another "how are my plants doing?" thread...

    ^ I'll have some of what you've been smokin bro!
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    Yes, another "how are my plants doing?" thread...

    I'm still trying to get the hang of the "feel the weight" method, but I'll get there. Learning loads as I go along and I'm really enjoying it :D
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    Yes, another "how are my plants doing?" thread...

    Thanks for the info re. LST, it is something I will consider for my next grow for sure. Overwatering - yes I think I suffered with this early on, but I'm getting better at it now. It's hard to not water when the top couple of inches looks and feels so dry, but I'm learning to trust my moisture...
  10. S

    Yes, another "how are my plants doing?" thread...

    Hi and welcome to another newbie "how are my plants doing?" thread! This is my first grow and I'm just wondering how you guys think I'm doing and if you've got any advice. I'm not worried about anything in particular, so if it's all good it's all good. I'm growing 4 x Pure AK feminised seeds...
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    Raided 2 days ago!

  12. S

    Heating problem, can you really please help?

    Instead of using one fan for intake and one for exhaust, perhaps try using both for exhaust and allowing the intake to be passive. Worked wonders in my tent where my 400W HPS sent the temps way too high. Having said that, my ambient temp is low so the passive intake pulls in a lot of cool air.
  13. S

    499w hps ?

    I've got a tent 2'2" x 2'2" x 4'9" with a 400W HPS in it. Just a regular shade, no cool tube and I can keep the temps stable at 70-80F (depending on how much I open the rear flap, which is about 1' square). I have 2 x 4" extractor fans which pull 107cfm each.
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    Seedling lighting advice (White Widow & Blue Mystic)

    Apologies for hijacking this but I have some seedlings that have been growing for a week now and I wondered if I should put them under my 400W HPS yet. I don't have any CFLs and I am planning to veg and flower under the dual spectrum HPS. They have their first true leaves, albeit they are tiny...
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    Plz can some one help me ive posted about 15 threds but no one help :(

    I think you're not getting the responses you want because you're basically asking for people to spoon feed you a whole load of information that you could get by searching this site. Read your post back, it basically says "tell me everything I need to know about growing autos". The appalling...
  16. S

    250W or 400W in my tent?

    OK chaps, my grow is underway :D Germinated four seeds using the paper towel method, all popped within 36 hours, then I put them into biodegradable seedling pots with BioBizz All Mix soil. They've been in the soil 5 days and all are standing at about 1 inch high, so all good. My next challenge...
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    250W or 400W in my tent?

    Where I am, I'll be looking at average summer temps of anywhere between 10 and 20C (50-68F), high 20s is a really nice day, if it hits 30 (86F) that's a "scorcher"! I'm more worried about the overnight temps over the next couple of months as it can drop to anything between 0 and -10C (32-14F)...
  18. S

    250W or 400W in my tent?

    Dude if I could pull 6-7oz I would be over the moon - I'm setting myself a modest target or 1oz per plant. This is my first grow so I could screw it up and get nothing! My air intake is VERY cold air (currently sitting at 7C/44F and dipped to 5C/40F last night). With 400w in that tent I will...
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    250W or 400W in my tent?

    Well I've plumped for the 400w and it has arrived, along with all the sensors (temp, humidity, ph, moisture & light). Also SEEDS have arrived (AK47) so just waiting for tent and soil & nutes. As far as ventilation goes I'm going to have to monitor as I go along and add what I need as and when...
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    250W or 400W in my tent?

    Don't worry I've got a couple and I plan to document my progress :D Everything has been ordered (well almost) and should be winging its way to me now. I reckon I should have it all in a week. Here's what I'm getting: RB Hydroponics grow tent 600D HPS grow light kit 400W Temp & humidity monitor...