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  1. OceanStateBuds

    UGHH whats this????

    i transplanted a few days ago.. noticed some yellowing and dying of the leaves.. chalked it up to shock i pruned some dead foilage and noticed this before work today... the tops of the plants are showing growth but the yellowing /drying continues.. and now these veiny spots. using foxfarm...
  2. OceanStateBuds

    Transplant Shock on Root Bound plants?

    i noticed this before work today... the plants looked a lil healthier at the tops but the one vanilla kush leaves are dying fast... does this picture help determine whats going on?
  3. OceanStateBuds

    Transplant Shock on Root Bound plants?

    I just transplanted some plants that were somewhat root bound. I put into much larger pots using foxfarm ocean forest and a couple tablespoons of lime dolomite. at first the plants were wilted but they seem to be a little better.. Now the leaves are starting to yellow.. The soil is drying up i...
  4. OceanStateBuds

    RoundBound Transplant

    seems like some leaves are turning yellow..and some wilting as well. soil still moist should i be worried? The plant on the right has been supercropped some weeks ago because was having some height issues. and figured it would be nice to experiment
  5. OceanStateBuds

    RoundBound Transplant

    ROOT BOUND* Just transplanted plants into a bigger pot.. and as I suspected they were a little rootbound. I transplanted into foxfarm ocean forest soil using only 2 teaspons of lime dolomite in a mixture and saturated the pots with distilled water.. noticed the plants are wilting two days...
  6. OceanStateBuds

    How do I Lower my Soil PH??

    for anyone following.. seems they are well on their way to healthy future first two is vanilla kush the second is the sensi star
  7. OceanStateBuds

    How do I Lower my Soil PH??

    1,2,3 are the sensi star 456 is the vanilla kush they have come a long way but so much more to go it seems
  8. OceanStateBuds

    Help SIck plant needs diagnosis

    sensi star first second and third ..4,5,6 is the vanilla kush.. plants still have a long way to go and even look much better 1 day after these pictures were taken.. just keeps getting better
  9. OceanStateBuds

    Help SIck plant needs diagnosis

    got rid of all the dead leaves is on a nutrient regime now and will have much better pictures soon its really great how much these plants bounce back
  10. OceanStateBuds

    Help SIck plant needs diagnosis

    naw dont care.. just dont get some people
  11. OceanStateBuds

    Help SIck plant needs diagnosis

    wtf? some people man...
  12. OceanStateBuds

    The Best Diy Ez Walmart Carbon Filter for Micro Grows Zen Style

    This is great im going to make a slightly bigger one thank you so much :)
  13. OceanStateBuds

    Help SIck plant needs diagnosis

    i like plant war stories & pics.. nicely done lime .. seriously
  14. OceanStateBuds

    Project: The green future

    looking good :_)
  15. OceanStateBuds

    Help SIck plant needs diagnosis

    i just pinched two seedlings in the transplanting process..supported the stems with a tooth pick and thin toilet paper that i misted lightly with water and when it dried hardend enough to form a soft cast.. they are still alive so im happy.. new leaves look like they are 3-4 days behind her...
  16. OceanStateBuds

    Help SIck plant needs diagnosis

    lime is that a broken seedling? first pic is kinda blurry
  17. OceanStateBuds

    Help SIck plant needs diagnosis

    i found it Repz for everyone :)
  18. OceanStateBuds

    Help SIck plant needs diagnosis

    you guys are great especially with quick responses and informations.. how do i rep? ive been hovering my mouse over everything im sure its right in front of me too .. haha.. noob grower + noob forum user go hand in hand huh? ill be sure to spread the rep once i can figure this out..
  19. OceanStateBuds

    Help SIck plant needs diagnosis

    since ive added nutrients one time and then regular water once ive noticed new shoots and new growth .. these things really bounce back fast. im going to wait about a week so when i repost pictures there is a noticable change .. praying to Mother Ganja i recommend to anyone. :)
  20. OceanStateBuds

    How do I Lower my Soil PH??

    sorry i kinda was using two threads for the same issue.. here is the link the plants are in the original owners organic indoor potting mix.. i do have foxfarm ocean forest soil but not sure...