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  1. C

    Craziest Thing You Have Watched Tripping

    Dude same here lol!!! I swear it was made for people tripping balls because their cut scenes and general shows just are fucked up ha
  2. C

    Craziest Thing You Have Watched Tripping

    Lol some of y'all misinterpreted the meaning! I meant something you've watched as in a movie or TV show on a psycadellic! Oh well, I'm enjoying all the stories nontheless. I guess I'll continue it with a couple more stories, I was peaking very hard on 6gs of Cambodians & was in a dorm with...
  3. C

    Craziest Thing You Have Watched Tripping

    As the title says guys share some experiences, I myself have had over 50 trips and the three craziest things I've seen while watching TV or a movie while tripping was •The episode of Squidbillies where Rusty gets good at the guitar so Early gets powers from the satan. I was on 2 heavy hits...
  4. C

    How do mushroom spores come in the mail?

    Hey buddy. They come in a syringe with clear liquid & you should be able to see black dots in there. Sorry nobody else has helped you. Lots of dicks here. 😡
  5. C


    From my understanding laying it only requires everclear so fuck you argument kindly sir. Found my source from shroomery anyways bitch
  6. C


    Shits like you deter people from this site, I came here looking for help & to continue research but instead I get people like this. I'm sure you know what I meant but instead you act like this. Shame. Guess I'll continue my work else where. I like shroomery more anyways, less kids because they...
  7. C


    I guess it got deleted? But we synthesized about 5gs of this.
  8. C


    I don't know where you got the idea I'm selling anything, fuck that. That's asking to get caught by pigs. The only people testing it would be myself & friends who have previous experience with it & have done the same amount of research I have.
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    Come on guys, I know some members on here know a reliable source. I'm willing to give away free spore prints for some info.
  10. C


    Hey Rollitup members Recently I've got ahold of an RC called 25i-Nbome, and must I say it's pure bliss..I've always dabbed into the hallucinogenic world, grow boomers, & synthesized DMT[Check out my post]. Every single time I come out of a trip I feel new again & strive to be a better person &...