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  1. G

    My girl's are dying :(

    sum pics from chop 3 i got one chop left. I have one chop left i will be doing l8r tonight Mr welshcakes has been in darkness for allmost 36 hours , i thought id try out the nothing but darkness befor a chop on my last plant to help thc . its going to be sad its my last chop i enjoyd the...
  2. G

    My girl's are dying :(

    thanks alot wyteboi as for curing im fucking up as soon as i chop the go right in the box then in a cool room for 3-7 days , then into jars with humidity and temp readers i know the main rule wen it stops smelling like wet hey u can smoke it , my prob is wats the best temps and hu when in the...
  3. G

    My girl's are dying :(

    CROP 1 eight white rhino's 3 did not make it due to overwater, and ph flucts, and to much ph up also' had to much heat, nutes used. ionic grow ionic flower and canna npk 13/14 at week 5 till 7, i gave them next to nothing for vegging as in 30ml in a 100 liter tank of ionic grow lasting over 7...
  4. G

    My girl's are dying :(

    thanks for the info pal i got nannas poking out of my last 3 im going to tleeve them a week longer in there as there are still to many clear tri's but i have chopd my 1st ever 2 and got almost 8 oz off 2 ;) so that was pritty good i got an upload here of the one i chopd last night the purtle...
  5. G

    My girl's are dying :(

    thanks wyt these are all from cuttings i been going back threw pic and seen nannas onweek 7 its now week 9 today and i got some lovly cloudy tri's but no amber and im thinking is it safe to wait longer for sum to turn amber or chop them now due to the nannas ? edit i also just did another chop...
  6. G

    My girl's are dying :(

    shit is that wat it is iv got a few of them shall i chop then now as a few are big and i just crushed one to see at it was !! i iust copd one got got over 3 oz's wet tht is ;0) .... ps keyboasrd is broke
  7. G

    My girl's are dying :(

    UPDATE DAY 60 4 OF MY GIRLS I DID NOT TAKE PICS OF THE 5TH ONE ANYWAY FLOWERING UNDER 2X 600 WATT DUAL SPEC What i wanted to know is what would ur guess at how much i could expect here and i have been looking at the tri's and alot are still clear sum cloudly and about 3 amber's as i know...
  8. G

    My girl's are dying :(

    Thanks for the info soil i managed to get a lens from an old telescope tube theglands are different shades on most of the plants i thought they would be the same on all as they was all from the same mother any way most of them are still to clear for a chop but the one in the pic that one has...
  9. G

    My girl's are dying :(

    thanks for the info terry you got sum nice looking girls there :-P how much more swelling could i expect with another 2 weeks, i thought the thc was the only thing that would change , but i think its best i do give them another 2 weeks i have been waiting since jan 7th im sure 2 more slow...
  10. G

    My girl's are dying :(

    i only have 5 days left till its 8 weeks i have taken a close up of one of the side buds to show you if they are close to ready or if you think i should go for another 2 weeks the guy i had the clones off said they was 8 week plants but i have seen alot of ppl here going 10 to 11 weeks im worryd...
  11. G

    Caveman's Pictures

    sweet grow :) what was ur yield on the Bubblegummer going into the jars ?
  12. G

    My girl's are dying :(

    also i know its allmost' impossible to tell from the pics but do you think ill have at least an oz a plant or am i get ahead of myself here
  13. G

    My girl's are dying :(

    thanks guy's :) i lost 2 they just did not want to live :( but i cant get over how much i have learnd from my first grow, i was going to chop them at 8 weeks, but im thinking maybe i should go for 10 instead of 8 to get them that bit fatter and to get that frosty look only time will tell :)
  14. G

    My girl's are dying :(

    UPDATE week 6 of flower
  15. G

    My super silver haze

    iv got white rhino, that is in its 6'th week of flower and has not smelld once :/
  16. G

    Flower 24 days In what do you think?

    they are looking nice and fat for 24 days in wish mine lookd like that i am also 24 days in :)
  17. G

    My girl's are dying :(

    @apbx720 very helpfull :sad:
  18. G

    My girl's are dying :(

    thanks for the info wyteboi :)
  19. G

    My girl's are dying :(

    can anyone give me advice on max temp for white rhino ,my temps were maxing at 29c but for some reason now I am hitting 35-36c should I be worried as this seems too hot,I have industrial pc fans with a cfn of 250+ they are 10 inch fans, is there any way I could attach these to my hoods ,has this...
  20. G


    nice just made that suger puff my wallpaper :bigjoint: