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  1. OSG

    My Garden of Funk

    FunkDr... It's been awhile. Did you enjoy the smoke from the Cantaloupe Skunks ? Did you get a peaceful, easy feeling after toking it ? Did the flavor lean towards ripe cantaloupe, or did you get some other fruit(s) ? All feedback is appreciated......
  2. OSG

    Earth juce gro 2-1-1

    Thafoot..... Yes, it will work best if you bubble it as a tea for at least 12 hours, anything beyound 24 hours is not necessary. By oxygenating it for 12 hours, it gives it a chance to level out pH wise. .If you make at least 3 gallons at a time, and are using R/O water add 1/2 tablespoon of...
  3. OSG

    General organics VS Earth Juice VS Biobizz VS Roots organic

    Earth Juice is good stuff. I also dig the Age Old, but my go to of choice is BMO (Blue Mountain Organics) in bottled nutes. . IMHO Bio Bizz is simply too over priced. This girl was grown using BMO nutes: . . .
  4. OSG

    Compost Tea

    Mudd024..... If your compost is well aged & not hot (full of nutrients from dry ammendments you added to it), you can make a compost tea, and use it weekly with no worries. . IME it's best to feed (on one day), water (a few days later), then use a compost tea (a few days after using only...
  5. OSG

    worm dirt and Frass.

    Medical/420.... Make yourself a tea with it, using 1/2 cup of the dirt & 1/2 cup of the frass to 1.5 gallons of water. Bubble overnight in a 5 gallon bucket, using a cheap aquarium air pump & stone <-optional. That next day, mix it one to one with plain water, and feed your tea to a small...
  6. OSG

    Are Worm Castings An Alternative or Supplement to Compost?

    Freemanintexas..... Compost can be a supplement, or a major component in building a good quality soil. . Worm Castings are a supplement, valued for the gentle source of N they add, trace minerals, and most importantly -> beneficial bacteria & fungi. . That being said, if your horse manure based...
  7. OSG

    blue mountain organics

    Years later..... I'm still using it & still happy with the results. If your a BMO user, chime in, so others can see you don't have to break the bank, to have decent nutes...... . Peace & Happy Gardening....... .
  8. OSG

    What are you toking on tonight??

    Bigtacofarmer..... I'm glad you like her. The Depot will be getting a reload of freshly made Chem D BX3's, the third week of Oct.... . The ones that are less branchy carry a Chem 91 dominance, the more branchy ladies are Chem D all the way. . I hope you find several of the one you're most...
  9. OSG

    What are you toking on tonight??

    . Bigtacofarmer..... Glad you like her, A-Dawg is pretty kick ass also. . I'm currently toking on some LAB # 9 (LouisianA Bagseed # 9), an old Humboldt County Strain, keep alive in the swamps of Louisiana since the late 80's / early 90's. She ranks right up their with my two Dawgs..... Woof...
  10. OSG

    Strains for war vets and others with PTSD

    SgtJayne.... I bred the Cantaloupe Skunk that was mentioned earlier in this thread. It's truly mellow / chill weed, that's good for Anxiety and PTSD. The high is clear & up, but not over-powering or over-stimulating. . You can smoke it all day long, and you won't find yourself nodding off. It...
  11. OSG

    My Garden of Funk

    Funkdr..... How about a close up of that Cantaloupe Skunk. She's a favorite of mine...... .
  12. OSG

    seeds anyone??? carries some nice stuff, that's reasonably priced....... . Or bagseed from some decent bud you've smoked recently..... .
  13. OSG

    How to Achieve lower nitrogen in later flowering.

    JrDavis.... Nitrogen is most available between 5.9 & 6.4 in soil, above that pH level, Nitrogen is less available. If you feed and/or water at 6.5 to 6.8 pH you won't rob Mary of the P & K she needs (if present in the medium, or the feeding solution), while locking the Nitrogen out. This will...
  14. OSG

    Yellowing top leaves 5 or so weeks into flowering. 1000w dwc. (pics)

    Gtds420.... Sounds like you've got it handled then. If both pens are within parameters, I'd dump, flush, & refill using a different nutrient source. That way you can rule out, wheter or not you got a bad bottle of nutes (expired, sludged up, too acidic or too alkaline). It happens, even with...
  15. OSG

    H2O2, silicone organic?

    Yes keep the liquid silica, and put the peroxide in the bathroom. Silica is one of the most abundant minerals in the earth. Plants given liquid silica are stronger overall (more pest & heat resistant). . Since you're going to be using it in soil, use it at 1/3rd the recommend mixing dosage...
  16. OSG

    No more Nutes!

    Yes you can..... use the Cha Ching at 1/8 the recommended mixing strength with plain water, and only feed them one more time. Use the molasses at 1/2 tsp per gallon, on days that you water only (non feeding days). Plain water only, the last week..... . That way you'll feed, but not overfeed...
  17. OSG

    Yellowing top leaves 5 or so weeks into flowering. 1000w dwc. (pics)

    Are you adding your nutrients to R/O water, or tap water ? . If you are using tap water, mineral levels can rise and fall like a rollercoaster, from week to week. Some of the minerals present in tap water will bind with others (like Nitrogen) locking them out, even though they are present in...
  18. OSG

    Uses of Super Plant Tonic

    Bump..... .
  19. OSG

    Mycorrhiza Fungi...why you should get to know them...

    Knnthc93.... Glad to see my old thread is still in play. I like to add mine to chlorine free water in a five gallon bucket and bubble them overnight using a cheap aquarium air pump. That helps increase the beneficial bacteria count, hydrates the myco fungi, and stablilizes the pH. I only adjust...
  20. OSG

    TGA Agent Orange. Have you smoked/grown it?

    Themanwiththeplan..... I've grown and smoked plenty of Agent Orange over the years, and it's a decent smoke, but not an anti-anxiety smoke. . For truly mellow / chill weed, with no eyelid dropping action, go with Cantaloupe Skunk. You can read the strain description, plus a few grow & smoke...