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  1. FollowerOfDemeter

    Bud Blood vs. Open Sesame

    The Fox Farm soluble line is really best when used to augment the primary line (BigBloom and TigerBloom) when you feed according to the chart on their web page. It really is great at adding an extra boost and coaxing your plants to flower. It is used earlier in the flowering stage. BB is more of...
  2. FollowerOfDemeter

    Purple Maxx

    Just be careful with any Humbolt County product, they can burn like a bitch! Less IS more!
  3. FollowerOfDemeter

    Tips of yeild

    Yeh, adding aspirin would just make the soil super acidic and lock out nutrients. There is SOME evidence that it would illicit a systemic immune response that can help fight off pests etc but it's risky. It will certainly NOT create female seeds, gibberellic acid is the most common method for...
  4. FollowerOfDemeter

    How much perlite to admend pro mix BX

    I have used the Promix BX, 10% by volume is a good start but I also like to add 10% washed builder's/masonry sand. Having a very well draining soil mix just makes things much easier.
  5. FollowerOfDemeter

    Anyone Hear of this Aero System?

    Sorry I abandoned the thread, had to go to France for a funeral... I'm working on finding a DIY method of reproducing this system. One of the biggest hurdles is finding a sprayvector (nozzle) that can spray a nutrient solution without corrosion. Most on the market (used in manufacturing) are...
  6. FollowerOfDemeter

    Anyone Hear of this Aero System?

    Just wanted to post this system I found via google, see if anyone has ever heard of it or used it before. It looks insane. At the moment they aren't selling to the US... but it's still cool shit. Atomix Aeroponic Systems from Aeroculture Limited. Authentic aeroponics.
  7. FollowerOfDemeter

    UV light on harvested Buds?

    It could work, it might force the plants to go into survival mode and use up what carbohydrates are left in storage. Not a bad idea but UV can also degrade the THC if too strong and there isn't any replacement from the plant. It's worth a try but I would just stick to adding UV during growth...
  8. FollowerOfDemeter

    Creatine for ATP.

    Found this on google: creatine I think your right about not being very water soluble, it's relatively non-polar and even our digestive tracks have issues... I had a friend who drank it like water and never failed to need GasX at the same time... if he wanted human contact lol. But seriously...
  9. FollowerOfDemeter

    Has anyone heard of this?

    That nutrient line contains a specific plant hormone not found in other products. Be damned if I can remember which one. It is supposed to be great but you never know... very few reviews although it was in high times at one point and they seemed to speak well of it.
  10. FollowerOfDemeter

    Any One Use CocoGrow Coir?

    Well I know from previous threads that using %100 cococoir usually leads to a soggy medium but these expandable grow-bags have a course mat of coir at the bottom to give better drainage and wick water out the bottom of the pots. My local hydro store recently started carrying them but since they...
  11. FollowerOfDemeter

    Any One Use CocoGrow Coir?

    I recently got rid of my Hydrohut (since the chemicals it gave off killed my plants) and the only alternative on the market is Metric and has a square floorplan. I was looking at the CocoGrow BOSS Bocks as a way of utilizing space more efficiently. I'm more of a soil guy, but growing in the...
  12. FollowerOfDemeter

    Whats the best way??

    Rockwool is good but rapid-rooters don't require any pre-soaking and Ph adjustment.
  13. FollowerOfDemeter

    Slow growth after repotting?

    You mentioned superthrive, next time use it and it will prevent shock from the transplant so growth resumes faster and at a better rate.
  14. FollowerOfDemeter

    Adding Estrogen?

    hey it was a serious question, I was just laughing on the inside.
  15. FollowerOfDemeter

    Adding Estrogen?

    HAHAHA I thought so, seemed like a bunch of BS but the topic has come up a bit online, there was just not much follow up... Plus marijuana that can give men breasts, might have a market in the transvestite community... :roll:
  16. FollowerOfDemeter

    Adding Estrogen?

    I have read things here and there online talking about the addition of birth-control pills to marijuana flowering fertilizer to increase... everything. Now that seems a bit risky, I don't trust synthetic hormones after all the problems women have been having, but Blue Cohosh (not black) has...
  17. FollowerOfDemeter

    Gavita Bulbs? Any opinions?

    Well HydroHut fucked me royally! The off-Gassing from their defective plastics killed my babies! FUCK HYDROHUT! But does anyone know the gavita? Or maybe another low-profile option? I'm using 400w hps/mh...
  18. FollowerOfDemeter

    Gavita Bulbs? Any opinions?

    Hey I was just wondering if anyone has used Gavita bulbs before? My Hydrohut is defective so I'm switching to another brand (Dark Room). The new brand has a less vertical hight (but soooo many other features) so I thought a Gavita system would be a good, low-profile option... but I don't know...
  19. FollowerOfDemeter

    Nature's Nectar, The New Hydro-Organic?

    Hey guys, I'm new to this site but I have done a few good soil grows in the past... ok the bud was top notch organic, not to toot my own horn. Anyway, I recently read an issue of Growing Edge Magazine (March/April 08 ) and they reviewed the new Nature's Nectar organic series of nutrients. The...