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  1. mancman

    First week! First time grow! A picture a day, how am i doing?

    You'll know if you've give it excess nitrogen mate ,your leaves will be very dark green .If theyre nice and vibrant ,theyre doing their job.
  2. mancman

    First week! First time grow! A picture a day, how am i doing?

    I'd say looks perfectly healthy mate but I would argue at 2 weeks to feed it .If your little girl exhibits any signs of deficiencly feed it by all means, but if not theres no need mate.Feeding to a schedule is rediculous in soil,feed to its needs and rate of growth rather than a schedule.Just my...
  3. mancman

    Okay to transplant autoflowers at six weeks?

    What medium are you using mate,in a soil mix I'd say forget about potting up, those size plants will still have plenty of room for further root development in the pot they're in.
  4. mancman

    Drying humidity too high ?

    If they've got a good air circulation id say they should be ok. Your temps could do with being a bit higher though,if you cant higher temps or lower humidity it will increase the drying time and obviously the risk of mold.The only advice i can give,if you havent already done it,is to cut off any...
  5. mancman

    First time growing Liberty Haze

    Hi mate,Liberty Haze wont always be same for everyone as environment and light etc will play big part in how tall they are for you,but as a guideline ,I'm currently growing a Liberty Haze in a 10l airpot ,it started throwing pistils out in preflower from week 4 ,I went 12/12 at 4 and half week...
  6. mancman

    Anyone grow Barney's farm liberty haze?

    Hey Grojak, thanks for looking in,yeah its critical mass crossed with og kush ,Ive been leaning towards the one on the right being the critical for a couple of weeks now myslf, from looking at other grow reps etc.The critical(as we are calling it ) has been much bigger from the start and was...
  7. mancman

    Anyone grow Barney's farm liberty haze?

    Ive got this strain on the go at the moment ,due to a mix up of seeds Im not sure which one it is but I have an auto(obviously I know which one that is as its flowering and should be good to pull in 2 or 3 weeks) .The others are Lib Haze and Critical Kush.I have no experience of smoking...
  8. mancman

    400w MH/HPS Grow Tent: Afghan Ryder, C99 Hybrid + more

    Hey Choop nice looking plants,im 21 days behind you with the AKR and possibly Lib Haze,as I mixed my seeds like you,so im following this thread intentently.cheers and looking forward to more updates and pics. Thanks for the kink in my neck as well :mrgreen:
  9. mancman

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey all whats up! Im new to growing and have done only 1 grow which was ..dont laugh ..a windowsill grow of afghan kush ryder,and even with a dismall northern England summer I flowered and harvested it even if it wasnt potent enough to get a rat stoned! Anyway this is my first real attempt at...