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  1. R

    Maintaining PPM with CalMag???

    Thanks u guys!
  2. R

    Maintaining PPM with CalMag???

    Yes DWC. Should I add nutes instead to maintain the required ppm for that week?
  3. R

    Flushing dwc????????

    Thanks guys
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    Maintaining PPM with CalMag???

    Would it be recommended to maintain PPM with CalMag?
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    Flushing dwc????????

    Would it be recommended to flush the DWC net pots with a solution every month or so?
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    Please Help!!!

    These plants are about 3 weeks into veg and are still in rockwool cubes. I'll give them a flush with just sugar and treated water. I Appreciate the help gentlemen!
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    Good Soil Blend for a Mother Plant

    Hello, Would anyone happen to have any recommendations on a blend of fertilizer for a mother plant. Looking for a good soil that won't really need any supplementing for a while, just add water. Hope to hear from you soon!! Robbi
  8. R

    Please Help!!!

    Would anyone have any suggestions on how to treat these clones or should I just toss away? I want to just try a flush but wanted to run it past someone. Hope to hear from you soon! P.S. The one on the left is a Chem Dawg started from a seed and hasn't been sexed yet. The One on the right is a...
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    How to treat a nitrogen def.

    How would you treat a nitrogen def?
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    What is this?

    how about this
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    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    Hopefully these are some better pics. Was told this was a nitrogen def. But somewhat looks like pottasium as well. Would anyone have suggestions or agree and what would you recommend as treatment?
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    What is this?

    Any recommendation on how to treat?
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    Growing mothers for hydro

    If you are planning to use clones in hydroponics system would it be recommended to grow the Mothers using hydroponics as well?
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    What is this?

    The leaves at the top of the plants have been fading in color and riddled with brownish spots. Maybe this pic can help you diagnose. Appreciate any advice you could give.
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    Help!!!! Plants dying instantly?

    Too Little info to diagnose. Have you altered the EC from the veg phase?A drastic difference may contribute. Are your ratios correct for nutes? Im pretty sure your using Advanced Nutes and that means Metric system. At full strength you would be using 3.8 Tsp per gallon. I currently use Bud Candy...
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    i have root aphids and have no clue in getting rid of them

    I also had some decent results with Fox Farms bug off pest control which uses Pyrethrum. However, need to spray directly on the problem!
  17. R

    i have root aphids and have no clue in getting rid of them

    I actually had a really bad root aphid problem too!! I found a post that said to use some Bayer insectide at mild dose and it worked great!!! However, this was during the Veg phase.
  18. R

    yellowing leaves + brown spots on flowering plants

    I have those brown spots too along the veins. Out of curiosity the spots are only on a few leaves? I've been removing the leaves thinking they were leaf spot or an infection of some sort but it keeps coming back.
  19. R

    Best ppm for veg and flowering???

    So I've been doing a little research and I get mixed reviews about PPM (500). One source mentions starting at 300 and increasing 50 to 75 every week until you get to 900. Would anyone have some feed back as to how I should go about this?
  20. R

    Lady in need of Guidance!!!

    I'm sorry, the soil plant has a Ph of 6.8 hydro was seperate