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  1. S

    Do both male and female preflowers start out looking like little balls one wit hairs

    hey guys im 2 weeks into my grow and i notice some maturity in the plant but cannot full tell if its male or female yet somebody hit me back up on a private message and ill send you pics.
  2. S

    Stretched Plant

    hey guys its smokegood420 and i think i have a problem with stretched plants which isnt a bad thing but i heard it affects with bud size and yeild. im currently using an aeroponic garden and ive planed my seeds on 1/1/12. i was told to lower the light to stop the stretching. im not sure if these...
  3. S

    Welcome New Members!

    hey guys, just a really simple question here, i heard you cant put rotten banana peels inside your plant and it helps the soils, is it true and worth a try or am i wasting my time?
  4. S

    holy shit man long time no talk! ive funally got myself a basic hydroponic set and i need help...

    holy shit man long time no talk! ive funally got myself a basic hydroponic set and i need help with it do you still remember my number?:idea::leaf:
  5. S

    holy shit man long time no talk! ive funally got myself a basic hydroponic set and i need help...

    holy shit man long time no talk! ive funally got myself a basic hydroponic set and i need help with it do you still remember my number?
  6. S

    Welcome New Members!

    hey guys i just started planting in a basic hydroponic set which consist of a lamp at the top and a latch where you're supposed to insert the nutes, my question is how long do i need to wait until a sprout? and when is the best time to put the nutes in thank you
  7. S

    Welcome New Members!

    uhm i got the light here finally its 10watts and yeah its a cfl not sure how to find out the kelvin
  8. S

    Welcome New Members!

    haha you could of sent it to my phone 407 2727 5842 but it was an energy efficient light, one of the cheap funnel ones but i believe it had 16,000 hours
  9. S

    Welcome New Members!

    hmm..that sounds about right because i think i placed my light a little too close i put it on the rim of the pot, and everytime i would check the plant in the morning it always looked dried out and lacked of water.
  10. S

    Welcome New Members!

    a plastic cup will work as well, do you have any photos of your plant of early state or now by any chance? ahah i need a little encouragement to get started again haha-smokegood420
  11. S

    Welcome New Members!

    yeah so, i mean you think i should start all over in the same pot or use a plastic cup to start off with. Most vids i see on youtube usually start off with them but i dont think it really matters.
  12. S

    Welcome New Members!

    yeah im actually going to pick some up from a buddy tomorrow, but i got more seeds to start a new grow but when i dug it up I honestly couldnt even find the seed. however, i noticed that the drainage hole at the bottom was clogged with soil. Does that play a bad role or?
  13. S

    Welcome New Members!

    ehh, kind too late for the digging up. sorry i dug it up and cleaned it out :( damn.... but maybe the soil may have something to do with it. but yes, it is an indoor plant and i have the lights on it about an inch away from the pot and the pot is pretty standard. you know the orange small...
  14. S

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey, and thanks for replying. I believe my plant has been in dirt for about a week now, i'm not sure what kind of soil it was in because it was a friends. But i know that there was a high grade plant grown in the pot previously that died eventually so i ripped it out and began to plant the other...
  15. S

    Welcome New Members!

    yes, sorry and if i could remember it was some arizona or something like that. but yes id appreciate if i knew the germ. to sprout time i think i made the mistake of planting two seeds in one pot-
  16. S

    Welcome New Members!

    Ive been growing my plant for a while and i dont even seem to get a sprout, how do i know how long it would take? can someone give me a time frame to let me know im doing something wrong