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  1. M

    Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

    Actually yes I just watered 2 of them... Though I'm watering them when the top of the soil goes crusty and dusty which is every day so far...
  2. M

    Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

    Great thread! Some really good advice, thanks! ...Here's a pic of my babies, they're 3 days old though I'm inexperienced and unsure if these are actually stretching... considering I can only grow them 3 feet tall, should I...
  3. M

    Help! What should i do with this seedling?

    Thanks for the reply so soon! I actually... By coincidence already sprayed it lightly before putting it under light and i tried to pick it off with my finger nails but I thought if I use any more pressure I'll surely damage the seedling.
  4. M

    Help! What should i do with this seedling?

    I germinated and planted this seed into soil on Tuesday at 17:00 and its now Friday at 17:36 and it looks like this...
  5. M

    My 1st grow + pics - thoughts and advice welcome :)

    So I decided to grow my own weed for personal use :) I'm only going to be growing 4 plants in a small closet built into the wall of a bedroom in my house. The room is only 3x3 foot but should be fine for 4 plants alone. Ive done alot of research on grow rooms and built it as proffesionally as I...
  6. M

    Newbie grower -THC/mould? + need seedling advice :S

    Oh, try opening the link in new tab works for me but I'm no expert, I don't know why it didn't work :<
  7. M

    Newbie grower -THC/mould? + need seedling advice :S

    Greetings fellow growers! I seek wisdom from the experienced... I am a newbie grower, I have built a room as professionally as I possibly could and have just planted my germinated seeds last night and had 2 sprouted already which are currently under 2x 60w fluorescents 24/7 and I have a few...