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  1. Unclejerk

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    so, everything kosher bro? how them ladies treating you?
  2. Unclejerk

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    hmmmm. yea, not sure. my first thought is nutrient imbalance... but i'm no expert. for sure not a light deficiency. i usually give a good flush first before anything. what nutrients are you using?
  3. Unclejerk

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    Looking good bro. Through my experience, I've had airy buds from heat issues and not from lack of lighting. In fact, I've grown the same strains under both hps and t5's and though I may have yielded less with floros, the nugs were just as dense as with the sodiums. So I'm thinking with your...
  4. Unclejerk

    1st time CFL bag seed :D

    nice. good job, dude. seed pack pics are a bit blurry but i think i see white skunk, aurora indica, afgan kush, and purple widow? sounds like some nice short stuff. i've heard good things about the aurora...
  5. Unclejerk

    1st time CFL bag seed :D

    looking very nice bro. going to be some nice buds. she's still looking a bit over fed though. see how the fan leaf tips are curling down? that's a big sign. next couple few times i'd just water and make sure i get plenty run off. also noticed your only using half the container... if you top off...
  6. Unclejerk

    1st time CFL bag seed :D

    hey cryoss. pretty nice looking first plant. i just ran across this thread and im gonna sub for sure. im wondering what kind of nutes your giving her...this last set of pics tells me you may be overdoing it a bit. i'm thinking the lower leaves were yellowing because you're using cfls and they...
  7. Unclejerk

    Telling the sex of a seed just buy looking at the seed* Pictures*

    if this were true at all, i would guess it would be common knowledge. even though i think its a wonderful fairy tale, im going to try it anyway.
  8. Unclejerk

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    hey man, i like this thread. i miss my northern lights. just keep it up. it saddens me when people abandon their threads mid grow. hows everything going?
  9. Unclejerk

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    good thinking! i wonder if you could build a small enclosure for it with a little pc fan...nice job though with the 1 degree. + rep (if i figure out how that"s done. ha!)
  10. Unclejerk

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    this is just my opinion, but at least for now you can delete that carbon filter and this should really increase airflow. those northern lights will NOT put off any smells at all especially when vegging. and in my experience only stink in late flower when you physically disturb the buds. so i'd...
  11. Unclejerk

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    nice. my friend wants me to help him build a stealth grow cabinet and i'm undecided on the light size\type. i'm curious on the temps in your cab with that set up. have you run it yet with a thermometer?
  12. Unclejerk

    Second Grow. New Stealth Armoire

    I'm diggin the set up, bro. I've grown nirvana nl before and I think it will be perfect for you. It stays pretty short and won't stink. Actually ideal for your grow. Best of luck!
  13. Unclejerk

    Poison dwarf from start to finish...(super k.i.s.s.)

    Thanks, man. Yea the 1/2gal bags were enough. I pulled a few apart and they weren't root bound at all. If you think about it, they only veg for a week or two, then they spend most energy on flowering.
  14. Unclejerk

    Poison dwarf from start to finish...(super k.i.s.s.)

    these are DRY weights by the way. not including the stems. #4 weighed 8.1g and for some reason i didn't snap a pic of her. and #5 was a weak 7.0g and last but not least the auto ak weighed a scale shattering 21g! dry! even after i topped her she put everyone to shame. i'm guessing i was...
  15. Unclejerk

    Poison dwarf from start to finish...(super k.i.s.s.)

    #1 weighed in at a whopping 7.0g. #2 12.5g! #3 11.3g
  16. Unclejerk

    Poison dwarf from start to finish...(super k.i.s.s.)

    on the 19th, i checked the trichomes under a 100x microscope and couldn't believe that i had 1/3 amber! the weird thing was there werent that many red hairs. actually there werent many hairs at all. could that have some thing to do with being pollenated? here's there last family portrait.
  17. Unclejerk

    Poison dwarf from start to finish...(super k.i.s.s.)

    these are from 11/30/11
  18. Unclejerk

    Poison dwarf from start to finish...(super k.i.s.s.)

    as you can see, i strayed a bit from my original plan of keeping it as simple as possible and burnt these bitches with a compost tea. but not too bad. i thinks these wouldn't need anything besides what's already in the soil. by 11/21, it looked like the males had finished blowing their...
  19. Unclejerk

    Poison dwarf from start to finish...(super k.i.s.s.)

    some shots from 11/15