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  1. B

    Anonymity while surfing

    Nusky, You are absolutely correct, there is no such thing as 100% secure. However, a 256bit encryption is as close as you can get with current technology. It could be broken by Lea in about 10,000 years of 24/7 attack. If you are really worried about it also get True Crypt. You can then encrypt...
  2. B

    Anonymity while surfing

    Do you r research..learn wtf you are talking about, then come back and we can have an intelligent discourse.
  3. B

    Anonymity while surfing

    Nusky, It really dose not matter who is using TOR, It uses nodes that are encrypted from start to finish of the data transaction. Node A can't read what node B has transmitted back to node C. Altho' nothing is totally safe not even the proxies you are so fond of, If The government with it's...
  4. B

    Anonymity while surfing

    JimmyRecard, before you accuse somebody of trying to spread a virus you should do a little research on the net. You would find that TOR is an open source program use by many. I really don't appreciate you slandering me on this forum. Perhaps you may have a reason why you don't want the members...
  5. B

    Anonymity while surfing

    Hi, I'm a newbie here and I have already learned a ton and look forward to learning a lot more. I'm also a newbie grower. This will be my 1st grow. But I digress. The reason for this post is because while reading through newbie central the subject of anonymity came up in reference to guest...
  6. B

    Welcome New Members!

    I'm a far cry from an expert, but you might want to try using TOR to maintain your anonymity. It works with Mozilla Firefox. Goto "" and just follow the directions and you'll be surfing anon right away. It is very simple to install. I hope this helps some of you.