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    Not sure; looking for help

    I thought that might be the problem as they haven't been fertilized much; after reading about the interaction between cl/ca and mg. I know our water is hard. Never knew it would lock out other nutes. Thank you for your reply.
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    Not sure; looking for help

    I was wondering if I could get some opinions? These are in Vortex potting soil under 250mh. Temp runs 80 with the light on, 77 with it off. Fertilizer Hasta Gro, and water ph 6.7-6.8. They've only been fertilized twice. Using light doses 1/4 strength. My original thought is a mg deficiency. They...
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    DIY Cooltube

    Just a thought I'm using a glass cylinder I found at a craft store. Meant to be used for a candle but it's 5" in diameter.
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    HPS/MH Question..

    There are bulbs available to convert HPS to MH Confirmation: Metal Halide (MH) and High Pressure Sodium (HPS) Conversion Bulbs at Home Harvest Garden Supply
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    HPS/MH Question..

    If you go with a MH... Sunmaster makes MH bulbs with emphasis in the red or blue spectrum. But yes there are conversion bulbs either way. High Tech Garden Supply
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    Besides eggshells what else can I use?

    In a small container garden the ph change can be quite drastic. Check... Using fireplace ashes in your garden
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    organic bloom

    thanks you guys I knew that the guano was high in phosphorus; do you use it dry and top dress or make tea? Thank you nozthedon kinda more what I was shotting for... a brand recommendation. Thank you both though.
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    organic bloom

    small cabinet 250 mh plenty of ventilation pro-mix potting soil water with left out tap. ph after medina 6.7
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    organic bloom

    I've been using medina hasta grow fertilizer. 6-12-6 through the veg and I'm now 2 weeks into flowering. As I understand it... would be better to lower N levels and increase the P-K? I was hoping for recommendation on a organic fertilizer for flowering. Just 2 cents... I've found the Medina...
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    now what?! i cant ever get it right! -pics

    I've used those nutes before... I'm pretty sure the water after adding had a ph close to 5.2 using distilled water. Maybe your water is already out of wack and the nutes are making it worse. Just a thought.
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    From seed to smoke computer stealth grow

    I've been curious for a bit as to why feminine seeds are either female or hermie? As I understandit... it takes a hermie to produce these seeds, since it's passing it's traits on wouldn't that be a bad thing; or is a hermie better than a male? Just seems that jack the price up quite a bit for...
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    MH & HPS Lights

    "You can't use a standard hps bulb in a mh fixture, but you can use a mh bulb in a hps fixture of the same wattage. I didn't think this was possible till several years ago when someone I trust told me it was possible. So I decided to try using a 400 watt mh bulb in a 400 watt hps fixture."...
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    Chlorophyll production... lighting?

    mattman... I've been checking these guys out. 2 Pack - 27 Watts 5500K Color corrected Day Light Fluorescent Lamp Photo Bulb: Camera & Photo I was thinking of getting a conversion bulb so I can run 250w hps and supplement with a couple of those guys. Thoughts? It seems that 5500k is...
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    Chlorophyll production... lighting?

    So going off the chart the plant actually uses more blue light energy? Are their certain times during the plants life that it will use one color more than the other. Why do many recommend using hps for flowering if, according to the chart, a daylight mh would be better. Is there something else...
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    Chlorophyll production... lighting?

    I wanted to throw out some thoughts that have been running around in my head... I found this . I'm using a 250w mh; seems this spectrum of light does nothing. Going by this it seems it would be best to go with a daylight mh. Thoughts? BTW light is...
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    Flora micro, flora grow, flora bloom

    2 cents... I had a little over nute problem using the chart on the back of the bottle. You may check; on their website they have another under the product catalog section.. worked out better. same as mentioned earlier "Greentree...