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  1. M

    Double luck with a freebie

    More pix of the stems....I'm a leg man.
  2. M

    Too early to tell sex?

    He died a terrible death. Cut up and cooked in butter............
  3. M

    Too early to tell sex?

    It won't get trashed just yet. I have some "heavy doses" I want to try......outside far away. How long was this guy fertile? He was next to my female Fire OG in a grow box.
  4. M

    Too early to tell sex?

    Been in 12/12 for two weeks and looks like balls to me. Anyone?
  5. M

    Too early to tell sex?

    Too early to tell the sex on this 5 week old bag seed plant?
  6. M

    Using my new HM Digital TDS PH pen question

    They need to change their schedule appearance.
  7. M

    Using my new HM Digital TDS PH pen question

    Since mixing nutes together is a no-no, how is mixing a gallon of BB and a gallon of TB going to raise the PPM, aside from checking runoff?
  8. M

    Using my new HM Digital TDS PH pen question

    Seems to me Fox Farms could incorporate all eight in one bottle for us lazy/cheap growers.
  9. M

    Using my new HM Digital TDS PH pen question

    You are correct sir. So according to their schedule, I have to use all eight products (at various times) to come to those PPMs? Makes sense but seems over complicated. I'm off to get some 2-8-4Tiger Bloom. That will have to do. 3rd week of flowering with just BB. Better late than never I...
  10. M

    Using my new HM Digital TDS PH pen question

    Sorry for the confusion. I meant PPM, not PH.
  11. M

    Using my new HM Digital TDS PH pen question

    After reading dozens of pages on TDS, I'm still confused. For my indoor soil grow, I use distilled water (0 PPM) and I add the recommended 3 tsp of Big Bloom per gallon and get 310 PPM. Quite different from 1190-1330 on their soil feeding schedule. Can someone explain?
  12. M

    Metal grow cabinet build for 1st grow

    When smell becomes an issue, I'll use dryer duct to tie to existing attic vent.
  13. M

    My funny pick up line

    Oh Pablo, kiss me where is smells funny. So I took her to Tijuana.......
  14. M

    Multi vitamin fertilizer

    Now try a fish oil cap.
  15. M

    What is the most potent strain you have tried?

    June 1970 in Cambodia we rolled the usual then dipped them in thinned-down opium. These "dip sticks" once dried and smoked gave us (2/22) a different outlook on the war. It made thieves out us, as the well traveled path to the mess tent for anything sweet was a nightly affair. The weed there...