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    my 3 stages of flower

    I understand, I figured it was something like that or cleaning them when you don't even use them. I have been using this system for the last 15 years on and off and have never had the great results I always hear about, most I made per light was a pound, but mostly only harvested 10-11 oz per...
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    my 3 stages of flower

    Looks familiar, i have a similar setup...What are your clone water temps at? I'm also wondering why you ditched the wort chillers, I know you said you didn't need them but why remove the whole system rather then leaving it in place just in case? Do you use hygrozyme or multizyme or something to...
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    What kind of improvement can i expect? Co2

    Hell Yes it will make a big difference. if you set it to the right flow and use it throughout the entire flower cycle obviously off at night and during airflow cycles. you must keep your room sealed unless you want to refill your co2 tank once a week. You must increase your temps and nutes...
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    little brown spots all over leaves

    WOW if he listens to us he's got nute burn, a phosphorus deficiency, a calcium deficiency, and a magnesium deficiency. Sweet. I'll just say its a zinc deficiency to add another confusing variable.
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    Please Help!, Babies are dying slowly, Help Diagnose,Yellowing Tips...PH?

    Thanks for the input, I just gave one of the two system 450PPM and left the other on flush we'll see what happens. Appreciate the input:)
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    Please Help!, Babies are dying slowly, Help Diagnose,Yellowing Tips...PH?

    What do you think I should start with ???PPM. Also, will yellowing leaves ever get green again or will just the new growth be green?
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    Please Help!, Babies are dying slowly, Help Diagnose,Yellowing Tips...PH?

    ************Look closely**************** AK47, Critical Mass, California HASHPLANT, and Some GD Purp. all have the same symptoms System-Aeroflo Lighting-2-600W HPS COOLTUBE (aircooled) Ventilation- 2 elicent cent. fans 450 and 850 CFM 70-76F 45-60% humidity 67-69F res temps Circulating fan...