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  1. juggalo187hatchet

    What kind of car do you want/have?

    i want a 1996-2002 pontiac firebird, with a body kit
  2. juggalo187hatchet

    Self-control over munchies?

    haha me too. i must spend like 10 bucks on chips
  3. juggalo187hatchet

    Think about your dad

    i didn't know my dad, died of a heroine over dose when i was 2. but i think if he had gotten help, he would been a a good father. my mom told me he was so excited to have a son, he wanted to start up a landscaping business, he even had business cards made up (you know one those "xxxxxx And Son"...
  4. juggalo187hatchet

    am i right?

    also ive read your not supposed to give it nutes till two weeks in but i used sterilized soil. should i start giving it nutes?
  5. juggalo187hatchet

    am i right?

    due to my work schedule and not having a timer, i switch my lights on at 10:30am off at 4:30am, so there on the whole day. i was thinking about using those plugins, maybe even putting some coffee grounds around my grow area
  6. juggalo187hatchet

    am i right?

    i cant realy afford to buy anything, this is realy ghetto grow. thanks guys for the help, hopefully its a strain that dosnt smell too much
  7. juggalo187hatchet

    am i right?

    ok so i started my first grow about a week ago and some people here on RIU help me come to the realization that this thing is gonna stink up my house. i know you can go 12/12 straight from seed, so if i put it into flowering next week will the smell be not as bad? it makes sense to me, less...
  8. juggalo187hatchet

    first grow

    my little one is a week old today. dosnt seem to be getting taller, but the two rough leaves are growing good.
  9. juggalo187hatchet

    Distract My Dad from my Plant?

    wow, alot of wasted time and money. i might have to abort my grow.
  10. juggalo187hatchet

    Distract My Dad from my Plant?

    will the smell be that bad from 1 plant? ive been worried about that myself
  11. juggalo187hatchet

    Wanting to grow w/ CFL all the WAY. What ratings am I looking for?

    you should be lookin at actual watts (the more, the better) and you want daylight bulbs with 6,500K for veg. flower you want soft white at 2,700k
  12. juggalo187hatchet

    first grow

    thanks man, since i added it temps have been low to mid 70s
  13. juggalo187hatchet

    first grow

    STRAIN: Unknown, Bagseed NUMBER OF PLANTS: 1 SOIL: Country Farms 100% Sterilized Soil LIGHTS: 2 10w cfl bulbs (i will be adding stronger and more when the plant gets bigger) GROW SPACE: 5 and a half feet vert, more if i need it NUTES: Miricle Gro Big Bloom advice/comments are welcome first...
  14. juggalo187hatchet

    I need help, please

    use, itll let you view websites that your library is blocking
  15. juggalo187hatchet

    im thinking of using three 100 watt soft whites for one plant

    im growin just 1 plant too, but i only have mine under 1 cfl
  16. juggalo187hatchet

    quick question

    omg, dude like i said before, i wasn't seriously thinkin of it, i was just wondering. and btw u suck
  17. juggalo187hatchet

    quick question

    thats what i figured, thanks
  18. juggalo187hatchet

    quick question

    i live with my parents, so this is goin to be a stealth grow. if i order online or get a ride to garden store, they are gonna wonder why i need ferts
  19. juggalo187hatchet

    quick question

    i wasn't seriously thinking of using it, i was just wondering. no greenhouses that i know. im gonna go with mg, but do i use both (bloom booster, pour n feed) or like pour n feed for veg and bb for flowering?