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  1. chiefEd

    hermi or what?

    i have the same little things on my plants and i can see exactly what your talking about. this is why i am on RIU today to see if these little, i want to say, Calayx? i think is what some said on here, are signs of hermie. I plucked one off and opened it up to see and it just looked like a...
  2. chiefEd

    high humidity problems during flowering?????

    LEARN ENGLISH and "DA" humidity needs to be low for flowering or else mold can start
  3. chiefEd

    30 plants busted week ago while out, police not been round since?

    glad everything worked out friend, i would not think that your days are all past you for growing there are other options such as renting a place or business, or you could move in the future. Or the UK could make it legal. Never know. best wishes.
  4. chiefEd

    An easy question, that will give you REP if you answer!
  5. chiefEd

    Teas and what not

    What is the deal with the teas people brew and the molasses and other things? is this just an organic nutrients? I am already using fox farms nutes so there for do i need any teas or molasses? just interesed because my fellow nube gardnener some some things on this stuff and was interested. Also...
  6. chiefEd

    Can't make up my mind i'm too high

    How many plants? The con would be extra electricity to pay for if you didnt really need it...
  7. chiefEd

    Movin' on up! Totally freakin' psyched!

    how about some pics of this grow spot? i love seeing secret grow spots, makes me day dream haha!
  8. chiefEd

    Light issues during flowering! ADVICE/INFO!

    We have been flowering for about 2 weeks now and our light schedule has been all over the place! we had our schedule on from 1pm-1am but we only have one plug in the area and the breaker goes when we use our microwave so it resets the time. so then the light schedule changes. then we try...
  9. chiefEd

    Purple Snow White

    looks like blueberry! yum
  10. chiefEd

    What to do with extra weed?

    make hash! and come on guys don't Belittle this brotha because he is concerned about his well being and standing with the officials. ya im sure if he wanted to he could keep it under wraps and stash it some place but to each his own!
  11. chiefEd

    The 12/12 switch .

    i did a 36 hour darkness period just this week right before i went into 12/12 yesterday. they looked so refreshed that im tempted to do it every time now.
  12. chiefEd

    New Grow, New Problems!

    i use distilled water and get great reults
  13. chiefEd

    What kind of yield should I expect?

    def repot into a 1 gal container at least
  14. chiefEd

    88* f

    we put in a fart fan bringing in the cool/fresh air from outside and we already had a few fans inside to circulate it. ill get back to you guys after we get an average temp now that we made this improvement. im pretty happy already tho because before we did not have any fresh air coming in and i...
  15. chiefEd

    88* f

    ya its a bathroom exhaust fan.ill look into making sure the the cool air does not come into direct contact with the plants right away. got a couple ideas floating around right now
  16. chiefEd

    88* f

    I'm guessing 88* F is to hot without co2 additive? we are either going to just put a hole in the wall with screening and such to keep out pests or put in a fart fan. should i have the fart fan taking air out or in? some ideas would be nice. its a shed so the air coming in/out would be outside.
  17. chiefEd

    im bored fellow noobs lets discuss growing!

    My crop is looking great with about a third of them almost twice the size of the others.first grow so we bought the clones from a dispensary at different intervals. Not sure if i want to wait until the others catch up or just flower them all at the same time. so far we have been using fox farms...