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  1. P

    FIRST time cloning

    Ok thanks guys will do the tooth pick now ! thanks
  2. P

    FIRST time cloning

    Hi guys so i cloned my ams last night and it was my first time i know now that i made them to small. but will they be fine? because they don't look to good :L Let me know what you think guys !
  3. P

    Green house - ams Yellow leafs

    Hi guys could you help me out please :) My plant's leafs started to turn Yellow any one can tell me what im doing wrong ?
  4. P

    nirvana - Short Rider feminized (AUTO) not flowering

    she is budding like this for 3 weeks now :L guys not like im not patient and you know this is a auto so it should of budded like in the 4th week so 2 months in and still no near the finish, you can get why im concerned (more then 2 months now .. : D ) But ill just let her grow maybe she will...
  5. P

    nirvana - Short Rider feminized (AUTO) not flowering

    ok guys i got this plant its Short Rider feminized auto i started it in March in a small pot then it grew in it for about 45 days on the window sill pure sun light. Then i dicided to go to the next level got a 200w dual spec bulb and started growing it under that moved it to 5l pot also. and i...
  6. P

    Green house - ams seedling problem

    ohh not good : ( no didn't help it.
  7. P

    Green house - ams seedling problem

    Hi i started my Green house - ams and it just came out of the ground and it has no starting leaf just like a stalk will it grow to a nice plant or is it useless now ?
  8. P

    Help Leaf ends yellow curling up help needed

    thanks great website btw ! will not water for couple of days and the first watering ill just do with pure water no nuts thanks again
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    Help Leaf ends yellow curling up help needed

    ok thanks will not water it for couple of days now !
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    Help Leaf ends yellow curling up help needed

    Hey guys so this is my first plant i started it like a 2 months ago .. yes i know but it was grown in front of the window no nuts just water for 2 months but now i got my self dual 200w cfl and made a little cabinet got my self ionic grow soil and just used it once about 200-300 ml 7ml per 1L...
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    Could you recommend anything from AN for veg and flowering ?
  12. P


    Finally THANK YOU ! :) Smoke on!
  13. P


    can u just tell me what are good nutrients for veg and flowering please ? -,-
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    idc about NASA i want my buds big !
  15. P


    Hey guys im new to growing : P Just need help picking nutrients i want advanced nutrients (but if you can recommend any others please do) i read about them seem pretty good. Could you tell me which ones to use for the veg and the flowering stage please. Will be growing in Hydroponics : )