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    Scottish Outdoor Growing

    Any updates? How have they handled the weather?
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    Scottish Outdoor Growing

    I am thinking of doing some autos outdoors in Scotland. Does anyone have any recommendations?
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    SAD auto grow outdoor

    How much did you get then?
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    Please read! Herbies head shop!

    My experience with herbies has been a good one also. I bought two seeds one never germinated and was offered a free replacement seed on completion of my next sale in addition to their freebies can't say fairer than that. Also herbies pick and mix do offer single seeds but I think this is a...
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    Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower Grow

    What day is she on in the above photos?
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    Slightly brown leaf tips

    Most of the bottom leaves are now wilting! I have repotted her in bio buzz light mix, vastly improved the drainage and gave her a good watering. What you can't see in the picture is that the true leaves are basically dried out and this is now happening to the leaves above and one above them...
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    Slightly brown leaf tips

    No to hard water and I leave it for at least 24 hours to settle at room temperature. Today she is getting worse the tips of two more of her leaves are beginning to go brown, this must be due to the soil. The bottom leaves are pretty much dead. Has anyone got a hard and fast solution to this...
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    Slightly brown leaf tips

    My camera is playing up so can't upload a photo just now. Is there is any chance this could be root rot? Should I take her out of her put and add a few stones for drainage? I dont't think it can be nute burn as it is only effecting the first two leaves all other leaves are perfectly healthy...
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    Slightly brown leaf tips

    It is getting progressively worse despite the fact I have watered her. The leaves are longer turning brown but are drying out and getting darker. I will post a picture later today.
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    Slightly brown leaf tips

    It has appeared on both of my true leaves but none of the other leaves. It has got worst since this morning should I just not water for a while?
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    Slightly brown leaf tips

    Thank you for the quick response, I was panicking. I only water the plant at best every 3 days although I don't think my drainage is the best. How often should I water my plant?
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    Slightly brown leaf tips

    I have a two week old sweet cheese auto she has been fine up until now but suddenly today on her first true leaves she has brown and brittle tips. She is in my window and she is in a commercial graden centre soil but I'm unsure of the exact type ( I fear this is my problem). There are alot of...
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    Do I really need to paint my walls white?

    The thing is a have a tub of white paint lying around! You have convinced me, consider it done. Cheers for all your thoughts.
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    Do I really need to paint my walls white?

    Cheers for the replies. I'm using CFL so I don't reckon it will matter much. I don't think I'll bother.
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    Do I really need to paint my walls white?

    I am in the process of sorting out a small grow space, two of the walls are currently cream with the remaining wall matte white. So is there really any benefit in painting the cream walls white or covering the whole space in Mylar?
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    SAD auto grow outdoor

    Nice grow mate, I look forward to seeing your progress. I'm basically in the same situation as you, I bought 2x Sweet Cheese feminized autos (Sweet seeds also). Unfortunately only one germinated, I have had her on the window sill getting on average just over 5 hours direct sunlight. She is...
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    Greenomatic Vs Big Bang

    Fair enough. Does the pineapple express provide a decent yield?
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    Perfect stealth grow auto flower?

    I want to see how these turn out. Are you going to do a grow journal for the plants in the PC case? I would be very interested in getting my hands on some of those bad boys.
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    Greenomatic Vs Big Bang

    I can't decide which to choose for my next indoor grow has anyone got any tales to tell on either strain?
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    Is 45w enough?

    Cheers for the advice I have ordered the 150w, I'm now toying with the idea of supplementing that with a 4 x 11w 2700k for flowering as they are lying around the house because surely it can't hurt?