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  1. S

    Please help! Wilting, yellowing, frustration!

    If anyone could lend their expertise on this I'd greatly appreciate it!
  2. S

    Please help! Wilting, yellowing, frustration!

    I'm a first time grower, and I've been having some problems off and on with one of my plants. I'm growing OG with two 150w hps. Happy Frog soil, David's Grow - Grow/Base, Humboldt Honey every other feeding at half strength, 7 gallon pots. Also, just started using hygrozyme. Basically the...
  3. S

    Slight bubbling on leaves and some yellow spots! Please help!

    Thanks for the replies guys. I'm pretty sure it is a nitrogen issue, too much that is. I know it's not heat, as I have a thermometer in the room next to the plants that never gets above 82 degrees. As for the water, I always let it sit out 24 hours to vent off the chlorine. I considered...
  4. S

    Slight bubbling on leaves and some yellow spots! Please help!

    Oh, also growing using Happy Frog soil in 7 gallon root pots, in case anyone needs to know.
  5. S

    Slight bubbling on leaves and some yellow spots! Please help!

    I have a plant 4 weeks into veg that, over the last few days, has started to show some signs of what I can only describe as, "bubbling," on the leaves. Not only that, but is also starting to show a bit of yellow on the tips of the leaves. I've been feeding it liquid grow & base nutes once...
  6. S

    2 Plants, 1 great, 1 not

    Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking. This is my first time though, and wasn't quite sure. Thanks for the help.
  7. S

    2 Plants, 1 great, 1 not

    Here's a couple pictures. The first one is the plant that's doing good. Then the plant that is not doing good. As I said they've been treated the same way the entire time. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. S

    2 Plants, 1 great, 1 not

    I will post some pictures a bit later when I get home. Basically, I'm just feeding them nutrients every other watering. Tablespoon of base and grow nutes per gallon. Nothing too strong either. However, the one plant wasn't doing good before I started the nutrients because of the heat. Once...
  9. S

    2 Plants, 1 great, 1 not

    Currently have two plants. Both have been in the same conditions the entire time. In a 5x3 enclosure with 2 150w HPS lights. During the second week, I noticed the enclosure was getting too hot for the plants (peaked at almost 96 degrees) so i started leaving the door open, and added another...