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  1. J

    Do you think the Kottonmouth Kings ever visted this site?

    wow i see kids with spades everywhereeeeeeeee!!!!!!! fuck that thats like me goin gettin a fat nike sign on my arm fuck thattt LOL jump off a cliff kidd
  2. J

    Do I need a water meter? to measure PPM...and what about mg and ca

    fuck ppm thats for fullscale feed small amounts of feed are rather easy to maintain ppm and ph as long as your using clean distilled watter and not over feeding always drop the feed 1/4 to what it says on the bottle your herb will gro very potent and healthy
  3. J

    FOX Farm Products- Worth buying??

    good advice is read the back of the bottles before making your purchace youll find sometimes yu get hella ripped off!
  4. J

    FOX Farm Products- Worth buying??

    honest experience foxfarm is useless and a bit too concentrated burns plants easily if your not gonna go with organics or advanced nuets i'd say general hydroponics is really really good heavy yields trusty wont burn also very affordable and effective moreso than alot of companys
  5. J

    yield estimate

    depending on genetics average ameture growers yield bout 45 to 55 dried bud per plant
  6. J

    Why do my seedlings keep falling over?

    try 24 hour a day veg too it could help alot mann
  7. J

    Why do my seedlings keep falling over?

    whats your growing medium?
  8. J

    Do you think the Kottonmouth Kings ever visted this site?

    KMK so garbag, wiz khalifa all day ho.