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  1. 4

    few question plzzzz help

    ok cool got cha. lol thanks again to all for advice
  2. 4

    few question plzzzz help

    its in soil... 3-16 weeks??????????????????????????????????? lol are you serious? i cant wait that long lol i am wanting to give it out for x-mas to friends and fam lol
  3. 4

    few question plzzzz help

    lol i like the answer u gave for 4 but got any idea 1day 1week? i am using foxfam trio 4spoons of each per gallon each plant has been getting 3 cups every 2 days water,feed,water,feed,water,feed so on and so on. alternating every 2 days
  4. 4

    few question plzzzz help

    1) when flipping to 12/12 do i need to feed more/less or just keep it the same? 2)how long will it take fo me to notice it budding? 3)how long before cropping do i stop giving them nutes? 4)how long does it take to cure after cropping? as always thanks in advance for any and all...
  5. 4

    CLONE.... is this normal?

    ok so i just went and found a plastic tuper ware tray and put that over them for now i will go first thing in the morning and get the dome. i took the clipping about 2 hours ago do you think they are garbage now or you think they can still make it?
  6. 4

    CLONE.... is this normal?

    no mat all i got was rapid rooter and clonex thats all the guy said i would need
  7. 4

    CLONE.... is this normal?

    so they cant be in direct light?
  8. 4

    CLONE.... is this normal?

    no i dont have a dome over them i was at a hydro shop 2day and bought the rapid rooter was going to buy a dome but the guy at the store said i wouldnt need 1????????????????????? should i buy 1? if i get it in the morning is there any chance for these cuttings?
  9. 4

    CLONE.... is this normal?

    ok so yes i admit im a noob lol so im about 4 weeks in to veg and i desided i would take some clones i took a total of 16 off of 4 plants i used clonex gel and rapid rooter plugs i went to check on them after about a hour and to my suprise they have all fallen over is this normal? or did i...
  10. 4

    fan leaves??????

    ok cool ty skunkd sorry i will keep trying to get pics uploaded
  11. 4

    fan leaves??????

    but such a major diffrence out of the same bag? lol
  12. 4

    fan leaves??????

    yea thats what is happening to me the lower areas seem like they are going to war with the fan leaves trying to fight to get light lol
  13. 4

    fan leaves??????

    man thanks for the advice at this time my computer is being a peice of shit and wont let me upload any pics i will keep trying tho. thanks again
  14. 4

    fan leaves??????

    ok cool thats what i was looking for i can tuck them under the other areas? thanks for advice
  15. 4

    fan leaves??????

    ok like i said i have 4 plants that i started at the same time. unfortunitly they are just bag seed just to try to get a feel for this.. plant 1 is 22h x12w plant 2 is 20h x 12w and the other 2 are about 14h x 12w hight being from top of soil to top of plant width being from tip of leave to...
  16. 4

    fan leaves??????

    no im only at about week 3 of veg lol i have 4 plants under 600 mh just seemed to me that the fan leaves were over welming the plant but like i said im a noob lol. i will b right back with LxH just to give you an idea
  17. 4

    fan leaves??????

    i have a quick question it is prolly a stupid 1 but i have to ask lol sorry im still a noob.. my plants seem to be doing very well for my first grow. however the fan leaves seem to be smothering / covering all the grow areas. should i just leave them alone or is it ok to get rid of fan leaves...
  18. 4

    is this normal?

    ok cool i keep moving the light further away trying to get some stretch lol first time grower so still learning a little at a time
  19. 4

    is this normal?

    at this time i have no cam man sux i know lol
  20. 4

    is this normal?

    ok im new here and not sure how fast the groth should be at this point. i germinated my seeds then placed them in little solo cups for about a week or so give or take a day. then i trans planted them in to there 5 gal homes they have been vegging in the 5gal for a week today they are under a...