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  1. M

    5% of Americans

    high school is not a joke. you learn as much as you TRY to learn. unless you have horrible teachers the whole time, then you learn as much as you teach yourself. Either way, a person can be ignorant, but it is usually by choice.
  2. M

    Are Joints Really A Waste Of Weed?

    There is no such thing as a waste of weed. If you have a joint in one hand and a bowl in the other, there is more weed in the joint. (unless it's a massive bowl). THerefore, if you are smoking joints you smoke MORE weed and get higher than if you smoked the bowl. Joints are nice if you wanna...
  3. M

    24/0 vs 18/6 once again

    I use 18/6, but I am growing in dirt. If I were growing in a hydro setup I would be using 24/0. That's just me though
  4. M

    Great Stoner Quotes

    (heavily stoned bill collector speaking on phone) Ok, lady, look at out conversation like a lake of water. Whenever i talk Im throwing in rocks and your exploding like waves. Now lets just get in the sailboat and if we dont rock the boat we can get to the other side. *click*