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  1. T

    Soil pH problem or not?

    thanks for the response jack. i already gave her another gallon to filter more buildup. the run off had a yellow tint to it so there quite a bit. i'll transplant tomorrow when the soil is dryer.
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    Soil pH problem or not?

    thanks jojo. theyre in 3 gallon pots and i gave them each a full gallon of water last night. i know thats 1/3 of the reccommended "flushing" amount, but i flushed my first girl and it ended up robbing her of too many nutrients and i lost turgor pressure, causing her to droop completely. i...
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    Soil pH problem or not?

    so i have had a pretty similar problem that i thought was for sure ph lockout, but after reading this thread i would have to say its probably nutrient buildup as well. i'll just do a flush on my girls and see how that goes. very good information in here:bigjoint:
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    Ph Lockout? with pics

    Hi guys, im on day 33 of flowering, with 4 plants. all in soil, all been fed the same amount of Hesi Nutes, flowering with a 600w hps. a few weeks ago i noticed a few necrosis spots on the bottom fan leaves of 2 of the plants, Blue mystic and super skunk. over time, the necrosis has generally...
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    Can anyone tell me what this is from?

    Im having the same issue, on 2 of my 4 plants. the first 2 pictures are of Blue Mystic which is the worse of the 2, Super skunk is showing the same dots on a few leaves. i did spray with neem oil about a week before flowering, they are now in week 3 of flowering. think another spray of neem...
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    I got a bad case of the Droopy McDroopypants goin on up in here. why the droop?

    you guys were right, she was hungry. i fed them 2 hours ago, and now her leaves are standing up and lookin fine. i'll be sure to give her more water in the future. cheers all, and thanks!
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    I got a bad case of the Droopy McDroopypants goin on up in here. why the droop?

    Hey guys thanks for stopping in. jumpin right into it, here's the scoop. Im growing 4 plants, Mk ultra, Humboldt, Super Skunk, and Blue Mystic, in soil. vegg'd for around 6 weeks under a 400 MH, then switched recently to a 600w HPS. At first, they were too close to the light, and all the excess...
  8. T

    yeah, id say that should be okay. try to use distilled water then, which is water at 7.0. you...

    yeah, id say that should be okay. try to use distilled water then, which is water at 7.0. you can buy gallons of it at grocery stores for like a buck each
  9. T

    aw shit here we go....... not again. HELP! i cant have ANOTHER PLANT DIE ON ME!

    check out this thread OP shows every deficiency and the telltale signs of it, good luck :) (im personally thinking nitrogen or P def)
  10. T

    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    excellent information man, thank you once again. +rep
  11. T

    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    Quick question about this flush... How much water do I give them? If the point is to drain out the nutes for a cleaner smoke, then I'm guessing a decent amount of water, at least till you see run off,.yes? Butis overwatering still a factor? I watered my plants a little more than the normal...
  12. T

    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    :bigjoint:thanks man :D im so proud of her!! shes not THAT big, but the site i got her from did say she stays on the rather small end of the spectrum. i have my fingers crossed for an O off of her, but i really have no clue. id be happy with 7g :) its so fun to watch them grow. yeah im gonna...
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    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    i'l check out his threads :D
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    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    youre a little behind here nick, but i appreciate you stopping in. i didnt flush after the transplant, i only flushed one time. i use 1, (not plural) airpump, to oxygenize the water that i feed them. both plants are doing well, the Moby is outgrowing her deficient leaves from the flush, all...
  15. T

    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    hey king, thanks for the info, i'll add to my water then. my ice is doing her final 2 week flush right to give her plain water, right? not water with cal/mag or any other nutes.
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    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    i hear that, thanks man. i'll cal/mag some water tonight and feed sparingly. i'll let you guys know.:mrgreen:
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    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    thanks king for the detailed response. i found that water chart you were talking about a few weeks ago...having trouble finding it again >< but i usually dont feed with my tap water. i used distilled water from a grocery store, the ones in the gallons. does your previous post apply to...
  18. T

    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    alright thanks king, i'll do that. if i have enough mag, and i give them cal/mag, how can i keep the ratio of 3:1? wont it be raising the mag as well?
  19. T

    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    hey guys, quick question for those still checking this thread... i gave her the epsom salts and it worked...she looks greener and her main cola is gaining more rigidity. the only problem now, is that i mustve given too much magnesium, for now i have the small yellowish spots on a few of the...