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  1. NattyDread1978

    1st Time Exotic Grow!?!

    cool thanx blimey. i hav a magnifyin glass i'll use that capincarnival. thanx for the tips
  2. NattyDread1978

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    That shit looks sweet! it looks like shes probly done cookin...what strain is that?
  3. NattyDread1978

    1st Time Exotic Grow!?!

    can u tell that from any of those pics?
  4. NattyDread1978

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    HELP HELP HELP me out lol. idk if these shots r wide enuff but its 2 sep plants. been in 12/12 for almost 6 wks. how much longer she got doc?
  5. NattyDread1978

    1st Time Exotic Grow!?!

    This my 2nd time askin but i was wonderin if anyone had ever grew pineapple express from g13 labs? i was wonderin how long i should let them go for. when is their peak reached like how long should i let them flower? here r sum recent pics:-?. any advice would help. dont wanna pick em too early...
  6. NattyDread1978


    hell yea its mad work keepin up with cfls but its fun too. i burnt a couple tops already when they got too close for too long. ouch
  7. NattyDread1978


    cfls still goin strong!!!
  8. NattyDread1978


    lmao!!! i was wonderin the same thing...figured he jus blazed or somethin
  9. NattyDread1978


    I read somewhere that u can use garlic in water to cut down on fungus gnats. Jus wonderin if there's any truth to this or if anyone has tried it.:?::?: Lemme kno soon these bugs r killin me! lol
  10. NattyDread1978

    Need some advice!!!

    i got a tight budget n i been lookin for an organic bloom fert. i saw something in home depot called mater-magic n it says its a bloom fert for bigger tomatoes. will it work for bud? or will they end up tasting like maters? lol:confused: anyone ever use anything like that?
  11. NattyDread1978


    good advice. i think i'll leave 'er b lol
  12. NattyDread1978

    220w cfl Closet Grow and 1 Sleeping

    yo where did u find those fixtures at? i cant seem to find them in any of the usual hardware store:confused:
  13. NattyDread1978


    quick i cut off the 2 new tops or cut below them when retopping?
  14. NattyDread1978


    COOL i used bread ties n string before but that looks pretty low key. the string got in the way of watering
  15. NattyDread1978


    goodlook skunk. i topped monday so i should retop round nex tuesday. LST is like bending basicly?
  16. NattyDread1978


    my bad but whats LST? thats the 3rd time i saw that
  17. NattyDread1978


    anybody ever retop thir plant to get more tops? when should it be done and exactly how is it done?:?: links would b nice thanx
  18. NattyDread1978


    cool vid. thanx bro
  19. NattyDread1978

    What The Hell Is This?

    yea that shits freaky lookin. i'll post pics as it progresses