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  1. Tricomber

    First Outdoor Grow

    Thanks for the help! I'm in Socal so the weather is awesome and she is in bucket so I can bring her in if it does rain. I want to get her a peak ripeness! Just started feeding her some molasses, lets see how she does.
  2. Tricomber

    Late Outdoor grow

    You planted way too late my friend. The natural light cycle is shorter now so outdoor plants are in flower not veg. So you wont get much if anything out of that
  3. Tricomber

    Early harvest! Stolen..

    Best solution to backyard grow, guard dogs. I have two that wont let anyone hop the fence, and you get a new companion!
  4. Tricomber

    First Outdoor Grow

    I was thinking 4 more weeks? Its definitely gonna be some fire! haha
  5. Tricomber

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    What do you think? It's a white fire og.
  6. Tricomber

    First Outdoor Grow

    More Pictures :weed:
  7. Tricomber

    Back At It Again

    Wow wish I had this much room to grow these monsters!
  8. Tricomber

    Almost a total loss this year.

    You can try to water cure the moldy bud.
  9. Tricomber

    O my the Epic time line!

    That would be a nice christmas tree!
  10. Tricomber

    First Outdoor Grow

    Thanks for all the positives! I can't wait to try it out. I'll be posting pictures before and after harvest!
  11. Tricomber

    First Outdoor Grow

    Hi guys, I'm new to the forums and new to growing cannabis. This is my first grow ever and I'm doing it outdoors. Currently my female is in week 5 of flower(Fire/OG). She is really healthy and having no problems, let me know what you guys think!:joint: