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  1. ihatepolice

    First Timer sex questions

    now what m i lookin for
  2. ihatepolice

    First Timer sex questions

    so in 1 to 2 weeks i should be able to tell
  3. ihatepolice

    First Timer sex questions

    So i orders some seeds and the place sent me 5 free one now this is my first time so im going to start with the free ones wanna know how and when do i tell if they are male or female my seeds are germing right now so no pics
  4. ihatepolice

    10' x 10' flowerig room

    is there any way to know the maximum amount of plants you can put under let say his 2 1000 hps
  5. ihatepolice

    Is 401K a BIG PONZI scheme?

    Define Ponzi Scheme: A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to its investors from their own money or the money paid by subsequent investors, rather than from any actual profit earned by the individual or organization running the operation.
  6. ihatepolice

    Is 401K a BIG PONZI scheme?

    there we go im not saying im right and its a ponzi scheme but when i log in my 401k it makes it look like i have 9000 but i really have 0 because i cant touch it so what good is it. mean while had i never put the 3000 in and i put it into a saving acct i could have withdrew it for hard ships if...
  7. ihatepolice

    Is 401K a BIG PONZI scheme?

    yeah your not understanding i understand its for your retirement but there are qualifying events to withraw one is hard ship if you cannot afford to pay your rent or morgage and is facing eviction should you be worried about retirement not only that its your money. i not referring to what the...
  8. ihatepolice

    Is 401K a BIG PONZI scheme?

    im not sure there actually makig me money thats the thing. I have a plan thru a employer like most people and i can only touch what i put in and if i take a loan from it and pay it back i cant touch what i paid back only my future or old contributions. but not contributions that went towards a loan.
  9. ihatepolice

    Is 401K a BIG PONZI scheme?

    So im Going thru some rough times and its no big deal i got 401k so i figure im cool right? Now im young so my numbers are not high at all but these are my actual numbers so ill let yall make some sense out of this. So i have total contributions 9233.03 of that my employer matched...
  10. ihatepolice

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    these people are out there for a reason its too many people to say there all crazy and lazy kids anyone who says that is just plain stupid.
  11. ihatepolice

    Does Our Military Work For China?

    thats crazy
  12. ihatepolice

    Busted In Houston Tx

    this is not tru the police is able to search if they have probable cause and the smell is probable cause like the last guy said get a lawyer and get one fast nuff said. sorry about that i hate hear about the police locking people up for mj shit piss me off i know a few cops and they blow how...
  13. ihatepolice

    letter from the white house i received today

    i say you make a thread with this post and a vote. Im Soooooo in im sure we can all afford donations how many members we can get bank.
  14. ihatepolice

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    I wish i could Like this 5 times. Hey Moderators can we get a really like button this guy is speaking the TRUTH!!!
  15. ihatepolice

    Great Way To Help Ron Paul Have The Opportunity To Represent US

    are you serious im not trying to offend anyone here but ron paul is not gonna be pres
  16. ihatepolice

    How Do People Get Busted?

    You sir need to do some reading they have a charge called simple possesion its one of the most commonly used charges man. Read cops will lock you up for a roach, if they give you a urine and you test positive, even if you tell them you had some. Cops willkick down your door if you had no plants...
  17. ihatepolice

    Read please!! i need answers!

    yeah it will cost money to go to trial so they will try to convince you to cop a plea but i wouldnt dont get a charge on your belt if you dont have to
  18. ihatepolice

    Further Proof the Tea Party is anti American

    Yeah im with you on this, it applies to any buisness demand for what ever it is your selling/servicing means more employees to sell/service it. for example i open a shop and im working on cars and i can work 10 cars a day im fine as long as there is only 10 cars in a day but if my 10 cars goes...
  19. ihatepolice

    Chinese Troops are in texas

    The government wants people to be ignorant; they don’t want them to know truth if someone does get to smart and The Government fears them they will take them out. Not saying this is an excuse to be ignorant, just merely a deterrent. But there are a lot of educated people out there still...
  20. ihatepolice

    Chinese Troops are in texas

    Are you fucking serious man you dont deserve a break you didnt do anything and neither did my government. Oh they did do one thing fuck my life up and take my money thats sure is the government i want to fight for and die for. you gotta be kidding me coffee bean.